A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

I'm thinking of getting Australian stingless bees. Honey production is very low but I'm planning to keep them for pollination and to help a native species. Anyone keep them?
I'm thinking of getting Australian stingless bees. Honey production is very low but I'm planning to keep them for pollination and to help a native species. Anyone keep them?
Never heard about them till now! I want some!!! I do have a feral bee colony that's been thriving in a tree for years. If my bees survive the winter maybe I'll try getting them to raise a new queen, my colony has no drones so she should mate with the feral colony, hopefully!

I am in my second year of beekeeping, and looking to get started with chickens. I have two hives, a top bar with Italians and a Langstroth with Carnis. I went to look at my hives yesterday and it looked like they had been doing some house cleaning, so they are still alive for now! I am looking forward to learning a lot about bees and birds together!

I just ordered bees and I'm so excited for them to come! They should come end of April beginning of May depending on weather.

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