A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

This flow hive is not hassle free it is only 4 frames that spill honey out. They take a long time to fill a jar up with honey. Would not recommend buying the flow thing.

And you still have to tend to a hive. The flow part replaces the standard super, so you still have to take care of the bees. They can't live (meaning raise brood) in the flow frames, it's only for honey collection.
Oh, thats disappointing. I guess its better than blowing $650. I don't really know a thing about beekeeping so i wouldn't have guessed that. Seems like it would work. But i guess with anything, it is never truly hassle free.
Well I looked in the hive today, and - no queen. Very few capped cells. But 14 queen cells! Just like the ones in your picture, Kelly. What the heck? Could she have died after laying some eggs? Or is there a worker laying? What now? Everyone looked very industrious, and they have been making honey.
Well I looked in the hive today, and - no queen. Very few capped cells. But 14 queen cells! Just like the ones in your picture, Kelly. What the heck? Could she have died after laying some eggs? Or is there a worker laying? What now? Everyone looked very industrious, and they have been making honey.

From what I've read, they don't normally make queen cells from laying workers. Could she have gotten accidentally squished on your last inspection?

I'm still contemplating whether to thin my queen cells, but with 14, I think I'd definitely thin some. They say to keep the largest capped ones and get rid of the small or uncapped cells.
This is the first inspection since she was released - she spent 4 days in the cage, as it appeared the candy plug was either to big or they just did not get at it. She appeared vigorous when she was released. The hive was going great guns at first, but there are noticeably fewer bees - could she have swarmed from a new hive? :barnie
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This is the first inspection since she was released - she spent 4 days in the cage, as it appeared the candy plug was either to big or they just did not get at it. She appeared vigorous when she was released. The hive was going great guns at first, but there are noticeably fewer bees - could she have swarmed from a new hive?

Hard to tell. There could be fewer bees because there is no queen laying, so no new brood emerging. I have read of new packages swarming, but have not had it happen myself. How long ago was she released?

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