A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

My rain barrels are full! Now they are saying 6-8 inches of rain in the next two days. Yipes! I repeat myself...but I'm glad its rain & not snow or ice.

Took the ladies for a stroll this evening. They stuffed themselves. Happily twittering the whole time. Lots of green stuff popping up so they had a lot to choose from. They each have their favorite weeds. Funny how they have different tastes in food. Daisy will kill for a blueberry....Annie won't eat them. But she'll down a strawberry & Daisy won't eat them.
My rain barrels are full! Now they are saying 6-8 inches of rain in the next two days. Yipes! I repeat myself...but I'm glad its rain & not snow or ice.

Took the ladies for a stroll this evening. They stuffed themselves. Happily twittering the whole time. Lots of green stuff popping up so they had a lot to choose from. They each have their favorite weeds. Funny how they have different tastes in food. Daisy will kill for a blueberry....Annie won't eat them. But she'll down a strawberry & Daisy won't eat them.
some of mine don't like mealworms and different ones don't like sunflowers
My rain barrels are full! Now they are saying 6-8 inches of rain in the next two days. Yipes! I repeat myself...but I'm glad its rain & not snow or ice.

Took the ladies for a stroll this evening. They stuffed themselves. Happily twittering the whole time. Lots of green stuff popping up so they had a lot to choose from. They each have their favorite weeds. Funny how they have different tastes in food. Daisy will kill for a blueberry....Annie won't eat them. But she'll down a strawberry & Daisy won't eat them.

That 6-8 that you're getting in rain, we're getting in snow and ice :/ Starting tomorrow night through Wednesday night they're calling for 4-7 inches of snow topped with 2/10th inch of ice. I'm tired of winter. I wish it would just leave already!

I kicked Princess out of the broody cage today with all her babies and threw baby in it. Phil is in with her for the night and probably most of the day tomorrow. Baby is NOT happy about the situation. Princess and her babies are all doing well. She and Pebbles have sort of meshed their little families together. Pebbles is being a little snippy with her but not too bad.
Hate your getting more snow Aurora. So the scoop from the coop....Princess & Pebbles merge chicks. Baby & Phil off to the honeymoon suite. Never a dull moment!

My birds will hate this mucky rain. My coonhound will plead with me not to go out. He will try to be invisible. My Aussies won't care. I will get cabin fever.
I love the smell of spring flowers too. R2elk, we get golden currants where I'm at, along with groves of wild plums, the sweet chokecherry blossoms' smell, the apple, pear, and quince smell heavenly. I'm sad no blooms until March earliest. The ground has to thaw enough for plants to grow.
I'm working on DH to allow replanting of pie cherries. I love pie cherries. We are going to attempt cloning some of the heritage fruit trees later in spring possibly, some of the really old apple trees are a bit sad if you know what I mean. The arborist said we could grow from seed too since they aren't grafted they are strong rooted trees, might get something cool.
The turkeys decided they aren't super keen on the cold. Taken to roosting in the rafters of the hay barn. Our hay barn is pretty huge, so one they get up there, I just throw up my hands and say, whatever, birds, I'm not fooling around in this cold.
It's -8 this morning on the temp gauge when I got up.
Miss Mary is looking under the weather today. I don't know what's up with that. She was perfectly fine the other day chasing roosters around. I brought her in and made her a scrambled egg, vitamin, probiotic smoothie and force fed her. She looks ok right now in the cage but I think she's just stressing out over being in the house. She definitely doesn't like the cat even glancing at her. She's a little droopy and sleepy so hopefully this gives her a needed boost and she bounces back. Any other suggestions?
Cynthia didn't feel like starting in the cage so I decided to let her out. She likes this spot much better lol


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