A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Holm - that is a very pretty little tom! I may have to get a royal palm hen for all my bourbon boys if that is the possible offspring :)

MM - holy cow that is tough, Banshee looks like a.....hmmm, I don't know! Turkules was like that forever - then finally gobbled. Now I'm going to be watching what the experts say :D

Ron - Some hens have beards, so I don't think that's a foolproof method for deciding it's a tom. Memphis's bourbon hen Annie has a beard. From what I've been reading, gobbling, snoods and breast feather colors are more reliable indicators (the experts will know more about this lol). I sympathize about moving birds - they do not seem to appreciate change :) I recently moved mine into the barn and spent the first week retrieving birds and carrying them to bed each night :rolleyes:

They went in on their own last night
Ron Ethel has a little nub of a beard that just appeared this fall. She is 3 years old.

I hate to be betting against R2elk, I have a feeling I will be losing the bet... Come on Banshee lay an egg!!
Ron, this is Annie. Yes, she has a beard and yes, she lays eggs.

Wow...Banshee! Maybe Banshee is a tom passing as a hen. Maybe you should start calling him/her Kaitlin. No judging here....

Seriously, I think she's a hen. Note: I said "THINK".

Why am I finding the fact that Turkules is sitting on hens so funny? That's not nice, so why am I laughing?

Aurora. ...what breed is Peebles? I can run her through the calculator with Adam. And why am I finding the fact that he is stuck on display mode so funny?

Give me another beer....

Holm....way to grow a turkey. Your little tom is quite pretty!
Memphis Could you run JJ (rusty Slate) through the calculator with self blue and blue slates?

Thanks. I feel so dumb not being able to understand that thing. I have an above average IQ, but that thing kicks my butt.
I installed Firefox ,but I cannot see a rusty slate on the pictures,
I am not sure I can find the blues even.

What I am thinking about is just using JJ with all my hens if I can get blues and self blues with him.
Ron - having celery salt with a bloody mary is imperative.... not the same without it.

Memphis - At least the hens didn't mind Turkules sitting on them, they seemed fine with it - so laugh away! Perhaps that was why he was so grouchy when I separated the chickens and turkeys :lau It's funny, Big Bird is totally in love with Turkules and follows him everywhere - he has no idea what to do with her and he'd rather sit on the chickens????

My toms seem to spend their whole day in "wonder-puff" mode - I keep hoping that the novelty will wear off one of these days (or that their feathers will get tired).
Haha... Thank you..

Now my turkeys are raised with chickens, and my turkeys was just chirping like they were separated from each other but they were right together.

My chickens were in the back... when I United them, they ran to my rooster... he has been separating the one fighting whether chicken or turkeys. . He looked like he was finding food for them and pointing it out to them like Brownie did for all of them as chicks...

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