A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.


I am thinking I screwed up tonight....

I grabbed a larger than normal glass to fill with orange juice. I left more room for Vodka and peppermint liqueur.  I am not even half done and I can feel it...It could be early bed tonight.... 

Argh, be careful with that. I think I gave myself alcohol poisoning that way once. A screw driver is really easy to mess up that way lol
Nice save Ralph! She sure is a cutie!
So how was Andy's walk? Are you letting him play with Lucky?

Sounds like those 1202's are steady cranking!

Aurora, how many poults have you hatched? I've lost track...weeks ago! :lol: And have you kept any yet?
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Nice save Ralph! She sure is a cutie!
So how was Andy's walk? Are you letting him play with Lucky?

Sounds like those 1202's are steady cranking!

Aurora, how many poults have you hatched? I've lost track...weeks ago!
And have you kept any yet?

47 poults and 36 chicks so far. I've only kept about half of the chicks and no poults yet. I'm going to wait till I get the mottled black/ silver dappled poults to keep any.
Andy is getting huge. Here is Andy in his dorm room. They did not turn out real well, I will get a sole photo of Andy.. You see all that stuff on the floor? That is chick starter! They have decided it is fun to stand in the feeder and kick feed as far as they can in every direction. I have taken the feeder away from them and am forcing them to either eat the food off the floor or starve! This is the unnamed, unknown black bird. I am thinking of naming it lucky. It is so friendly. When I reach in the cage instead of running away it runs towards me. If I touch the screen it pecks me through the screen. His face is so dark you can barely see his eyes. What you think is his eyes is little "yellow fuzz over his eyes.
Argh! So many cute babies.....must resist the temptation to find some of my own :)

Ralph - nice save on the little one - I want one! I can't believe how cute they all are, and they are growing like little weeds.

Memphis - I did try the turkey eggs, they are really tasty (and big).

Aurora - I can't believe you have hatched so many already....it's not even March yet! I'm glad you found a home for the little cross beak sweetie, that's wonderful news. I don't know how you can resist keeping a few for yourself.....
Feisty, my friends that are serious bakers love to get their hands on my turkey eggs. They apparently make a difference.

Aurora, your girls are laying machines! Is Pebbles still laying too? I'm assuming she's sitting on those chicken eggs. Do you still have Adam with the girls?
Oh yes, Adam is still with his ladies of course! Pebbles hasn't laid in a while but she's sitting tight on those chicken eggs. She get very upset at me when I dig under her for the turkey eggs that get slipped in there with her. Adam is still missing half hours tail feathers but the new ones are coming in nice. He has nice new feathers poking through all over his body. He's going to be quite handsome this spring, strutting around the yard :)

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