A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I'm biased.  Royal Palms is what I have too.  About longevity, I got my first tom as an adult, don't know for sure how old but probably only 1 or 2.  I had him 13 years, he was fertile until the last year.  I have no idea how common that is.  He was still healthy and active but not fertile.  I was moving at the time and my brother took in all my birds until I could get situated at the new place.  He didn't have electric fence, and while at his place, a young black bear climbed a tree and dropped down into the poultry fenced area.  The old tom confronted him, puffed up and displaying, and the poor guy got his neck broken.  Apparently it did unnerve the bear though, because after it swiped at the turkey it ran away, so the tom may have saved the rest of them.
That's so cool I hope mine gets like that too. I've heard many good things about that lol.
Like everybody was saying, one reason I got them is I like the way they look. They're also a little smaller than others, which makes them easier for me to pick up and handle. I also like that they raise their own babies; in fact they get so set on brooding that sometimes I give them chicken eggs to raise because I don't have but so much room for turkeys. I don't know if they're all like mine, but they seem to be pretty tame right from the start as well. You'll like them. My hens follow me around and I have to watch they don't trip me. They do sit down on my feet, which apparently means they are soliciting mating!
Like everybody was saying, one reason I got them is I like the way they look.  They're also a little smaller than others, which makes them easier for me to pick up and handle.  I also like that they raise their own babies; in fact they get so set on brooding that sometimes I give them chicken eggs to raise because I don't have but so much room for turkeys.  I don't know if they're all like mine, but they seem to be pretty tame right from the start as well.  You'll like them.  My hens follow me around and I have to watch they don't trip me.  They do sit down on my feet, which apparently means they are soliciting mating!
I'm so excited about them, this is going to be a great experience
Yep Poorfarm, my girls follow me everywhere. Turkeys are fun Alex, you'll enjoy them!

Aurora.....mottled! I'm way jealous! Sure hope your keeping them, or at least some!
PoorFarm I am down to 17 turkeys right now. They all follow me, everywhere!

If I go in a shed, they try to come in. I run them out, they sit outside or on a fence and wait for me to come back out.

I have learned I have to sneak up to the fence on their pen to lock them in, if they are inside at night. If I don't they all run out of the fence to be with me and play keep away. They hate going to bed.

When I say my turkeys free range it means they spend half the day sitting on the deck waiting for us or looking in the windows to see what we are doing. My DW is not real happy about this. BTW I had one Tom decide to sit and look in for about 3 hours today. Not JJ either, it was the slate blue one and a guinea.


Some boys who are no longer with us.
They are/were handsome guys!
SS- no, Sweet Pea is a cross between wild turkey and Bourbon red that I hatched from eggs that i got from a guy about an hour away. Pebbles is the only hen that I ended up with from your eggs so she's the only one I still have from yours. Both are sweet hearts though :) BABIES ARE HATCHING!
Sweet Pea is very pretty too. We may have to swap some eggs or poults later.
I have a picture of a mystery chick. When I pulled the eggs out there was a brown egg in with the blue eggs. My grand daughter helped me set eggs. I am thinking she decided I needed one more egg and forgot to tell me...
Is that a white spot I see on the head? That would be something barred if it is.
Sweet Pea is very pretty too. We may have to swap some eggs or poults later.

I'll gladly swap whenever you're ready :) I'm hatching quite a few red bronze like her lately and a lot of Bourbon buffs.

Baby count! As of this morning, I'm up to 15 babies hatched so far (one is already at its new home :)

My girls aren't laying yet, so it will be a while. Need baby pix!!

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