A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I took a chance this evening, we'll see how well it works out over the next couple days. I slipped a newly hatched cream legbar cockerel and two pipped turkey eggs under Eve this evening before I closed everyone in for the night. I'm not 100% positive about how long she's been sitting but I'm hoping she does a good job and raises them up good. She's a first time mama so wish us luck!
Funniest thing happened to me today, I went into the grow out cage and I left the door open and a roo came in to visit and my white Turkey that is 13 weeks just swelled up and started doing a little gobble noise thing and this tail was all fanned out but after I tossed the roo out of the grow out cage he went back to being normal
Aurora.....hoping Eve proves to be a good moma. Keep us posted.

Gander...nothing cuter than the poults strutting...:D

Summer has settled upon the south. Hot & very humid. We learn not to breath too deeply for fear of drowning in this humidity. Birds are smart. They stay shaded, take advantage of the baby pool & fans. Laying has slowed down. The chickens go into their coop almost an hour before the turkeys. With all the egg laying and evening bug hunting done for the day, it's the turkeys chance to relax before bedtime. Last night I had one on each arm of my Adirondack chair. Just chilling.
Good luck Aurora..

The turkey Momma lost the black poult yesterday in our monsoons. I have no idea what happened, I assume it drowned or got too cold.

JJ is extremely jealous of any attention I give other birds, I have never noticed this before. I know he tries to get between Ethel and I, or when I am holding Ethel he is right there. I always thought he was protective of Ethel... That is not the case.

Yester Queen Elizabeth needed some loving. She followed me for a couple hours. When I fed the other chickens in breeding pens she jumped up on the cages and stayed right close to me. When I finally fed Ed and the PC hen she was right there so I scooped her up, scratching and petting her.

I decided to hold her longer as she was really eating it up, so I sat on the fed bucket and put her on my knee. She sat there and talked to me in chickenesse telling me all her problems. I kept massaging and giving her consoling rubs.

JJ had been quite a ways from me. When I sat and held Lizzy, JJ came right there and walked back and forth in front of me, giving the occasional gobble. His face turned Blue he was so upset over my holding Lizzy. He marched, strutted and gobbled until I put her down, then he appeared happy. I did give him a pat to make him feel better.
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Ralph, Queen Lizzie sounds like my Big Betty. SS are just so curious & love the attention. Still my favorite breed.

JJ is like my Daisy. According to her I SHOULD NOT be holding any bird but her. She will circle my chair & if she can, grab a tail feather. Going to rain most of the day. So spent some time with the girls this morning. Of course Daisy, after foraging, ended up in my lap for a mid-morning snooze. One plus of having a lapper, she will pick off mosquitos if they happen to land within reach. Annie was laying at my feet and picked off a few herself. Hmmm....maybe anyone heading to Rio for the Olympics should take a lapper with them for added mosquito protection. I can see it now. Hundreds of fans watching an event with their lappers. :gig
Hey Ralph. ..sorry about the black poult. I know you have folks looking for them.

I am now in selfish mode. I am hatching for me now.

The rest of the world has to wait. I have sold enough for this year. When I have 15-20 for myself then I will start selling again.

Of course, I have my Porter's eggs coming soon. Those will be for me too.
R2elk had a successful Porter egg hatch. Ralph....hope you do too. What did you order?

Come on Aurora. ...we need mottled pics! When you get some time. How is Eve doing?

Fiesty....is Coco still hold up in the dog crate??

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