A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The kind that gobble

I have perhaps 10 turkeys that might be ready around Christmas as long as they keep stuffing themselves. My brother in law sent me a bunch of corn and sorghum to fatten them up with in addition to the regular turkey ration, and free corn is free, the best kind of treat! That forced me to buy more grit though, but that's not so bad as long as they get fat enough to fill out those gawky teenage turkey frames.
What turkeys do u mix if u want a sweet grass turkey or calico

Learn to use Porter's Turkey Color Calculator and you can waste hours every day trying to figure out the color combinations.

The base color genes are bb, CC, dd, EE, NN, RR, SlSl, SpSp, PnPn.

For the different color varieties you can get the color gene information at Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys or at Phenotypes and Genotypes.

Sweetgrass have the color genes b1b1, cgcg and because they are homozygous for all their color genes, they will breed true.

Calico have the color genes b1b1, cgcg, nn, Rr and are heterozygous because of the Rr color genes and will not breed true.
Hmm.... Are you looking to sell any Ralphie? I have started to realize how boring it will be around here without a turkey! Maybe you wanna sell your demon hen?:lol:

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