A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Well I didn't make it to work today - we had snow, ice, snow, ice, more ice.... I managed to get about 3 feet in my car before I slid sideways in my parking area. Decided that work wasn't worth trying to drive 30 miles and stayed home. There was an inch of ice over the barn doors so I had to beat the daylights out of the door to get into the barn today. I cleaned out my fridge of veggies and put them in the barn to keep the birds entertained for the day (not one of them would step outside lol). When I went to close the barn tonight there was a total of 3 bird prints outside - as in - step, step....holy crap I'm going back in.... :lau
Well I didn't make it to work today - we had snow, ice, snow, ice, more ice.... I managed to get about 3 feet in my car before I slid sideways in my parking area. Decided that work wasn't worth trying to drive 30 miles and stayed home. There was an inch of ice over the barn doors so I had to beat the daylights out of the door to get into the barn today. I cleaned out my fridge of veggies and put them in the barn to keep the birds entertained for the day (not one of them would step outside lol). When I went to close the barn tonight there was a total of 3 bird prints outside - as in - step, step....holy crap I'm going back in....

Chicken poop birds!!! I never have that problem with the turkeys. I usually have chickens being pushed out the door by the turkeys. The chickens rush to the door and come to an abrupt stop, the turkeys keep pushing ahead. The chickens then have to fly to avoid being trampled.

Chickens flying as well as they do, go 10-12 ft and land in the middle of the snow and look around with that " I am going to die in this white stuff" look.

Sounds like it was a good day to miss work though. After all you have been back from your month long Vacation to paradise, for like 3 days, how many days in a row can they expect a person to work anyhow?

Fish-I'm glad you didn't even try. Better to be home safe and play with the birds
I can't say I blame them for not wanting to come outside.

Feisty has a new nickname!!!
Yep...my turkeys had no problem plowing through our half inch blizzard earlier this year.

Holm....waiting on pics of the new flock members!

Ralph...how are the cats doing??

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