A chick just hatched and looks like his insides are coming out!


11 Years
Jan 27, 2008
I dont know what is wrong with a chick that hatched last night and it is almost like the insides of his body are coming out through the area where his umbilical cord was attached. The more he chirps the more it comes out. It first looked like honey or jelly...but now I see some veins too! What should I do! He is seperated and wont stop chirping...but it is not stopping. All of his down is puffed out and soft but the entire round area f his belly are set and sore looking. What is it?

I have a picture if I can figure out how to post it.
I've heard of this, just can't recall the name...How long did it take to hatch (days)...I really don't think there's anything you can do for it...But I may be wrong!! Good luck!
Sounds like an umbilical hernia or prolapse...maybe using those search terms would help find more specific data?

Sorry I don't have more advice to offer you on this one...I've dealt with it in reptiles but not birds, and it can be very hit-or-miss. Fingers crossed for you!
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It didnt take him too long compared to the rest of the chicks. He first pipped around 2p yesterday, and I checked him aroun 4am and he was completly out...but probably within an hour of hatching. Our longest chick took over 26 hours, and is doing fine. We hatched every egg, and only one had a problem...he died before making it completely out of the shell. I feel awful for him! My other half said it looked almost like the yolk coming out..but then I coudl see some veins as well...so I am worried that he wont make it if I dont do something.
Please take this advice in light of the fact that I have never hatched out chicks... My first ones are due to hatch in a few days... But I am a nurse on the surgical floor and this happens to surgical patients... That being said.....

If it were me.. I would try rinsing the area with STERILE saline and tuck the insides back in and use some liquid bandage to glue the skin shut over it. I have NO idea if this would work, but it doesn't sound good if you do nothing.

Try using the search button above on the blue bar, I know I have seen several threads regarding this. Good luck and keep us posted!!

This is Suz, not Jess, didn't realize I wasn't logged in till after I posted this.
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I will certainly try searching for this. the liquid bandage definately sounds better then nothing! He was due to hatch yesterday (day 21)...so right on schedule.
i hatched 2 chicks in my last batch that were like this and the poor little things had to be put down. I am sorry about this but it is the fact. one of them laid in the incubator for 2 days and tried to get up and walk but couldn't. the other one was running all over everywhere I went to the store and came home and there was blood all over the brooder box I had him in he had stepped on his umbilical cord and pulled his intestines out. they were out about 2 inches. No little tubby belly at all my dh put them down. I cried so hard:hit I just could not bring myself to do it. I had posted about it on here but in the light of things there really isnt anything that you can do. All my others are now 7 weeks old and thriving. I hatched 11 now I have nine. I am truely sorry about this. I posted pictures of it maybe you might be able to find it
click on user list and type in chicabator then search then click on the post help very graphic pics and see if that is what it looks like that is my first chick that had to be put down.
Hi. This is the pic of mcamdens chick. I am just posting for her. ( i dmailed you @ daves)

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