A Chicken Clan RP "ҒІу щїτн Тнε вѓееze" Lock please!!

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Her eyes dimmed..."Sadly I chose to leave my home" she said. "Your not in the condition to go back yet, you need to rest up but not here... come I'll show you a nice place, I'm sure they will let you stay awhile" she smiled and started limping her way towards Wingclan's camp.
Ravenchick swayed unsteadily. "What happened to Brook? Look! It's those pebbles we all decided to leave in case of trouble! Something's wrong."

DeltaFlight2062 scratched her chin. "Don't panic yet, Raven. Maybe she was just going somewhere new and didn't want to lose her way."
Raven was frantic. "But she wouldn't use those stones then! We've got to get help!"
Her eyes dimmed..."Sadly I chose to leave my home" she said. "Your not in the condition to go back yet, you need to rest up but not here... come I'll show you a nice place, I'm sure they will let you stay awhile" she smiled and started limping her way towards Wingclan's camp.

"They?!" Silver voiced aloud, astonished, falling into stride next to the white hen, even though her legs were so tired they felt a few sizes too big. "You mean, there are others here, living outside metal dens? But why?" Curiosity had never been one of Silver's strongest traits, but, seeing a hen living in the forest without any two-leg help intrigued her. Was there another kind of life she could live, a life that didn't involve sitting in a metal den being fed and laying eggs? What a strange thought. Eagerly, she wondered if they would meet anymore chickens on the way to wherever they were going.

There were so many questions on her mind, and she was going to voice a few of them when she spotted the white hen's limping gait. "Are you all right?" she asked, concerned.​
"Oh I'm alright, just old age and old injuries" she looked away. Their are quite a few other that live out here. "Mates,friends, and families come here by accident or on purpose to find a better living of life until StarClan calls for them one day" she said as she looked up. " I'm taking you to the friendliest clan I know out here.... WingClan."
Moon sat on the sandy bank near the fast moving water, she had made a ring of stones and twigs and was in the middle of knocking them down when the swan waddled on to shore. He snorted and looked at Moon before waddling towards the center of camp. Moon watched, taking her wing and sweeping the sticks and stones away, sending them rolling towards the water.
EagleWing looked up at the dark, overcast sky; smoky gray clouds hung low and a thin fog had settled up in the trees. The silence comforted him as he walked out of WingClan, on the old, sunbeaten path covered in the wrinkled, crunching leaves. The raging storm of thoughts calmed as he breathed in the thick, moist air. His eyes looked down a different path, one in which the leaves were seemingly untouched, and ha not been trodden black. He started down the road, the fresh leaves were silent under his feet as he walked.
The swan shook his head, drips of water and bits of his pondweed lunch flying in all directions.

Birdy, how have you been?!
"Oh I'm alright, just old age and old injuries" she looked away. Their are quite a few other that live out here. "Mates,friends, and families come here by accident or on purpose to find a better living of life until StarClan calls for them one day" she said as she looked up. " I'm taking you to the friendliest clan I know out here.... WingClan."

"WingClan . . .?" Silver pondered. "Please, can you tell me more? It sounds so wonderful! Are you a part of WingClan?" A better life than in metal dens, with food and a bit of shelter? It seemed almost too good to believe, but even as Silver walked and felt her energy waning, she realized that the air here tasted different, less dusty, fresher. The smells of the forest made her feel more alive than any monotonous day in the two-leg place, as though she had a glimpse of another reality, a better reality.

"But . . ." looking down at herself, she realized something terrible. "Are they very friendly? I don't know if they'd like me, I don't know the first thing about being in a . . . Clan." Glancing at the white hen, she realized that although the hen was old, she was fully feathered, and had a strength about her that Silver had never seen in a chicken before. It contrasted sharply to her own feather-less patches and weak legs and shortened beak. The hen looked so much more capable of living in this harsh and beautiful place. "I don't look like you," she couldn't stop herself from saying, but then added sheepishly, "I'm not strong like you are. I don't think WingClan would . . . accept me."

(Sorry this post is so long, I'm trying hard to make them shorter!)​
(Long posts are fine!!
There fun to read!)
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