A hen that crows - need advice


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
So this morning one of my hens, Blamo, crowed! It was not a very smooth crow....but still, I would have thought it was a rooster!
In my area I'm not aloud to keep roosters.....but she ISN'T a rooster! So I can keep her, right? (I don't think I'll get reported though, I have nice neighbors.)
I could just show the people she lays eggs! :p Well, I can't get rid of her. :oops:

Good I have advice?
I won't let them take her from me! :D

Well, that's easy to say, but generally you'd be subject to fines and/or legal action, depending on your area. If you're willing to retain an attorney you could try to fight it as long as you can prove that 1) she's a she and not a he (easy) and 2) that she's not breaking any noise ordinances.

You said your neighbors don't seem to mind the chickens so hopefully that remains the case. Or maybe the crowing is just a phase as hormones surge in spring and she'll stop on her own. As long as you don't get reported then there's no issue!
Thanks for the information.

Yeah, I won't do this:

Them: "Hello, we got a noise complaint......(talking).....so we need you to get rid of that rooster."

Me: "She's not a rooster. She's my pet hen. I will not give her up."


Well, maybe something like that. Besides, my closest neighbors have/do:

#1 neighbor: Has a dog that barks every morning and runs a chainsaw so much!!
#2 neighbor is gone almost all day.
She is one year old.
She has only done it once, and unexpectedly. So I don't know if I could...

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