A lot of folks dont think chickens have emotions...

elderoo, I think your still comparing the intensity and level to humans. Certainly not the same between any animal and a human but that's not to say they have NONE at all. I've met humans with little or no emotions! They are usually in prison or ostrisized from society, but they exist. BTW, Didn't you ever watch Lassie,
?? I've had dogs with more emotion than SOME people, ha ha!
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I give up, your right, emotions are something that only humans can feel in their "heart and soul" and the world was created 6000 years ago as a roundish flat disk.
I think your still comparing the intensity and level to humans. Certainly not the same between any animal and a human but that's not to say they have NONE at all.

Youre probably right. I refrain from comparing them AT ALL, as a rule.

What I see they have is awareness. From that much stems, but it doesn't necessarily follow that they have emotion in ways we can comprehend.

But if I get you right, you are saying that you can have 'degrees of emotion' as a chicken. Say, for example, they could be only a little melancholy, or only a little joyous? It seems a little vague, but I guess that beats nuttin...

Okay, you won me over - they have something, whatever it may be.​
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Keep up the post, you finally got David on the ropes. A couple more convincing post and he will be out at the coop holding his BABIES, looking into there eyes and wondering what they are feeling.

Okay maybe not
I might even put them in diapers and let them come in to watch an episode or two of CSI with me. Or maybe, just maybe, we can weep together while watching 'Jerry McGuire'. At least I know they'll like my movie popcorn...
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I dont think chickens fully weep, but they just get this shade of sadness in thier eyes, so you know they are feeling something.

Also glad to see you didn't pick a scarey movie had for the babies to have little bad chickie nightmares.

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