Abandoned duck egg. Need help asap

I use a sock stuffed with rags or toilet paper as a buddy. Who doesn’t have unmatched socks laying around after the dryer eats the mate? :gig

A little stuffed animal works well too. My emu had a dinosaur :p

I'm so sorry, I've been following since earlier this evening. They are right, there is nothing you could do.

My policy with assisting is to assist if the chick pips on its own. I had an unfortunate broody hatch where all but two of the mama's babies died because of an exploded stinker egg. At one point, she had 4 hatched and a 5th one pipped. The 5th one didn't hatch by the time she got off the nest. I assisted and waited for it to kick free of its shell in my incubator and it never kicked out. I assisted it out and found it had unabsorbed yolk and several loops of intestine on the outside of its body. It was still alive, but I culled it at that point. Nothing I could have done, I gave it the best shot I could.

You did the best you could, I agree 100% with all the choices you made. I would have made similar ones.

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