Abandoned Egg, Chick still alive inside


Jul 7, 2016
Hi all,
My serama went broody and her first eggs started hatching 2 days ago. Today I came home and she had abandoned the remaining 2 eggs in the nest, they were both very cold and she made no attempt to return to them. I candled them both and one is definitely still alive.
I have an incubator the only problem is that it is currently full of eggs that still need to be turned (they are only on day 7). Can I put the eggs that were abandoned in there on the turner even though they are on day 20 now or will the movemental kill the chicks?
Hi all,
My serama went broody and her first eggs started hatching 2 days ago. Today I came home and she had abandoned the remaining 2 eggs in the nest, they were both very cold and she made no attempt to return to them.
The hen is Not suppose to return to the nest to try and hatch the other eggs that must have been added some time after she began to set. The hen has to get off the nest to take care of the hatched chicks------that's why in most cases its important to make sure all her eggs are "on the same day" then they all will hatch the same day or usually within 24 hours of each other. It want hurt to stop the turner for a day to see if this egg will hatch. Some incubators have enough room to lay a couple eggs on the side and still let the turner turn. Good Luck
The hen is Not suppose to return to the nest to try and hatch the other eggs that must have been added some time after she began to set. The hen has to get off the nest to take care of the hatched chicks------that's why in most cases its important to make sure all her eggs are "on the same day" then they all will hatch the same day or usually within 24 hours of each other. It want hurt to stop the turner for a day to see if this egg will hatch. Some incubators have enough room to lay a couple eggs on the side and still let the turner turn. Good Luck
Thank you, I'll give it a try! Fingers crossed.

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