Accent Test

mine says i am canadian ... interesting enough, i am half canadian and german... i am tired, going to bed, this word canadian is wrongly spelt i think. night everyone.
Northern, eh?

Not much of a surprise considering I was born and raised and continue to live in Michigan.

I spent this last weekend in New Jersey and was VERY aware of my accent.
I got "Neutral: You`re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up."

Grew up in New Jersey (0-16yrs.) and then went to school in Virginia, stayed (16-29yrs), and married a native. Everyone down here still thinks I sound northern, but northerners say I sound southern now, so I guess neutral is it

And how do I feel about my result? Not good, not bad. Just neutral, I guess.

BTW - that was fun. Thanks for posting.
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I was surprised that mine said "southern." I don't think I sound southern but I do say certain words with a southern accent. I've lived in several states all across the country (I grew up in Michigan), and was told by a southern man that I speak standard English-no southern accent. My parents never lost their southern accents no matter where they lived.

I tend to speak more southern if I am talking on the phone to a southern person. DH teases me when I say "byeeeeeee." That was an interesting test. Thanks for posting it.

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