accidentally duck egg ?? or large chickeneggs ??


Mar 21, 2017
Hi ,

Few days ago I went to buy some eggs from a local farmer here in the area , he has ducks , chickens goose and whatever kind of birds all together and the eggs were being said " not fertile " because the rooster was too small and he wouldn't make any fertile eggs , now I buy my eggs there because our project is finally done , well atleast for me and a few others . we managed to get a big succes in rehoming the ex battery girls and people went nuts over it , so I even ended up rehoming the hens I had chosen to be part of my flock but I am more aiming it for the dual purpose breeds like before and we shared a lot of fun but they got so wanted they also left and are rehomed in the best place I could think of , which left me for now without chickens ofcourse and I saw the opportunity to finally start making a good total clean up and make over and some rest BUT here is the thing : they claimed , where I purchase my eggs as I refuse to eat storebought eggs , due its disgusting taste and because HOW the eggs were " harvested " these eggs couldn't possibly be fertile , now I just randomly took an egg and guess what was very present ? indeed the cells , the second egg I cracked just the same , all for sure fertile ! So I told them " uh with all do respect sir , but you happen to have no need for a new rooster AND you can perfectly set your broody ones ! the eggs ARE fertile , noticed that white in the eggs when you used them in the kitchen ?? it is for sure fertile ! " their reply : only my wife cracks the eggs as I work with the animals and she is not into my hobby so I have broken all the broody hens ! can you please hatch them out ? I am willing to give you some more eggs every week for free !
my reply again " uhm : I do not have good experiences with that and I do not own an incubator honestly , well I do but it does need to be repaired a elektricity bill if I use the working one I made myself goes so high up "

now I got offered that they will pay my elektricity cost the first of the next month ( they pay me over 20 ! ) so I just took it , that money is always welcome , they do not have an incubator and their chickens do not tend to go broody anymore given the time of the year so they are just curious that their roo indeed did a good job before making a definitive decision , now these are quite large eggs and they all vary in colour , weight , and even hard to tell which is the pointy side and which is the side with the airpocket as it is just round , so do I accidentally have some duck eggs as well ??
from the 10 eggs I have left 5 and all look so different , but now here is my issue : I have never owned a duck yet but could I be having accidentally a duck egg ??? It is more round than like any other egg , wish I could upload a pic but just lost my USB connector somewhere ...
second thing is : what IF it is a duck egg ? and it gets incubated ? because their rooster can jump on all the female creatures there , is that a cross between a duck and a chicken ??? or is that one just impossible to be fertile at all ? and what does a duck egg distuingish from a chicken egg please ??
I'm totally confused....:th.....I have no idea what your talking about?....:confused:....Something might make sense?
:D can it have something to do with the fact I just could have written it a lot shorter ? :p Sorry , bad habit of mine is always trying to tell an entire life encyclopedy or something instead of just a short phrase , uhm also you might have noticed English is far from ok ? I am working on that ( not on the life encyclopedia LOL , you can rule it out haha ! :) ) .

Ok so to get back on topic ?

First of all :
*UPDATE* with such a happy feeling !
A : these eggs are all chicken eggs and .... LIFE !!!!!! we are a few days away from HATCHINGDAY and they are doing PERFECT !!! Very much alive in fact ! movement is ok , airsack is perfect BUT they are only with the two of them because I had 5 + added 3 later on and we had 3 quitters , 1 non fertile that tried to kill the others by just exploding a couple of days ago and one I do not know what went wrong but there was a massive ring attached to the airsack and it did not move at all anylonger so had to do what was best and removed them .
The B factor ? :D
I was kinda trying to explain just that I have been asked to do a batch for the people where I bought the eggs from BUT that they do not store their eggs in boxes etc or top down , nor sorted out , in the mornings the wife just collects all eggs in one big basket so duck , goose , whateverbirds eggs all sit together in one basket and accidentally I got a duckegg which they now replaced with eggs from chickens .

So that was basically just it , the story about how they do the rest is just ' optional to read LMAO :p :p '

But this also means they are totally wrong about the rooster they believed was too small to fertilize a chicken , altough not all eggs are fertile so I believe it could be indeed true for some of their hens but having two soon to be hatched is into my opinion the proofe they needed and I get the chicks to keep . only I find it sad there only with the two of them :-( so by hatching I probably will have to buy some extra chicks so they do not feel loneley nor become totally depending on me but their own " breed " ( I 'm a way too different breed btw and rare too , close to extinction ! ) ;-) .

So far good , keeping y'all updated once they have hatched ( about a couple of days now ! )
Actually... a chicken and a duck MIGHT be able to have a fertile egg hatch. They are close enough in species, but the offspring would be sterile. Just like when you cross a horse and donkey to get mule. But a duck egg will take much longer to hatch than a chicken egg.

Chicken eggs can be rounded and quite large. It depends on the individual really. My silkie eggs are very round just like you describe. And I have gotten a chicken egg up to 104 grams! Though it isn't my norm.

Hard to say about the you tube video... there is no requirement of real knowledge to post a video about anything you want to! :confused:

Totally impossible ....:thThe two species can not cross..Drakes have a penis and Roosters do not...
I'm a bit confused...What white part are you talking about to think the eggs are fertile?...In the yolk if fertile? Will be a bullseye, a white circle..
Ducks can't cross with Chickens or visa versa ..Duck eggs are bigger with a thicker rougher shell..Chicken eggs are smooth. Goose eggs are much larger...
Actually... a chicken and a duck MIGHT be able to have a fertile egg hatch. They are close enough in species, but the offspring would be sterile. Just like when you cross a horse and donkey to get mule. But a duck egg will take much longer to hatch than a chicken egg.

Chicken eggs can be rounded and quite large. It depends on the individual really. My silkie eggs are very round just like you describe. And I have gotten a chicken egg up to 104 grams! Though it isn't my norm.

Hard to say about the you tube video... there is no requirement of real knowledge to post a video about anything you want to! :confused:

I have a Brahma/Ameruacana Rooster...Either he carries for white or Blue eggs..Crossed him with my Orpington Hens all brown to tan egg layers and I created an Olive egg layer...

I know you can get it with breeding them. :p I was just saying you can't just plop a green-blue egg layer in with hens you already own that don't and expect them to start laying blue-green eggs.

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