Acute growth on hens neck

Airsaculitis usually causes the skin over the bubble to be red from bacteria. This is blue. You mentioned a second bump. Is it blue, also? Does it feel like it's also full of air?

If so, you can take a needle syringe and after being sure it's sterile, depress the plunger all the way, and insert it an eighth of an inch, very shallow. Pull back the plunger and pull air out of the sac. Pay attention to whether any fluid comes with it and what color it is. If you don't have a syringe, they sell them at feed stores. You need one with a fine needle. Be sure to use alcohol on the injection site before and after.
Hi! @azygous which lump should I use the syringe on? The one on her neck, it the one that looks like the air sac?
Yes, the large one with what feels like air in it. Be sure to sterilize it and wipe down the site of injection before and after with alcohol. Try to only make one insertion, not several, to reduce introducing bacteria into it.
Yes, the large one with what feels like air in it. Be sure to sterilize it and wipe down the site of injection before and after with alcohol. Try to only make one insertion, not several, to reduce introducing bacteria into it.
Would an insulin needle be sufficient? Is there any chance the air will escape on its own?
It was just air when I stuck her with the insulin needle and pulled the plunger . There wasn't any fluid. The guage on the needle was too small to remove any significant air volume. I didn't want to keep sticking her the syringe was tiny.

The original lump is decreasing but the air sac is increasing.

@azygous @Wyorp Rock

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