Add to the harem or re-home a roo?


8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
Riverton, Wyoming
I have 2 roos and 4 hens, all are 9 month old EEs. They are all pets...I'm talking spoiled, cuddly, peck you if you don't hug them, pets.
Until recently the roos have gotten along very well, but lately they have been fighting everyday. Neither my husband or myself can bare the thought of killing one, or watching them beat each other up.

Is there anyone in Northern Arizona with hens for sale or who is willing to adopt one of my beautiful baby boys?
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If you keep booth the roos in a separate area, NO HENS, there will be a little fighting, but it wont be cockfighting, it will be pecking order establishment. In fact, I think that's what this is. What breed are they?
They are Easter Eggers. Sadly, I think you are right, the roos will have to be seperated from the hens and remain that way. It seems such a shame to keep them caged when the others are out free-ranging. They are like my children...I want to be fair to all of them.
Pretty chickens.Maybe the roos will settle down once one of them becomes top chicken.If not I would seperate or rehome one.

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