Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

Thank you! My first baby!

They're so adorable when they're sleeping
They were being spastic?
Well, 6 littles crawling all over hatching eggs isn't exactly ideal. They were sleeping on and off, but I didn't want to have to worry about them squashing pipped eggs.
I'm thinking usually within the first couple hours they are dry enough, but it depends if it was a little sticky coming out, it might take a little longer. And your humidity level will effect it too.
Alright I just have to be more patient then. I don't know if it was sticky, I think not. He was really wet though. The humidity is very high it's around 80%

The other eggs aren't doing anything, I don't see them move or hear them squeak. It's been 30 hours since they pipped
Alright I just have to be more patient then. I don't know if it was sticky, I think not. He was really wet though. The humidity is very high it's around 80%

The other eggs aren't doing anything, I don't see them move or hear them squeak. It's been 30 hours since they pipped :(  

I had 2 ducks take over 40 hours, so I feel ya! Are you talking to them? Play some chirping sounds to them if you can. Hopefully the other little guy can motivate them all!
I went to eat and 15 minutes later the next egg has hatched! The first duckling was standing on the new one and there isn't a lot of space in the incubator so my parents told me (pretty much ordered me) to take the first one out and put it in the brooder.

He's still a bit wet. I have a heating plate in my brooder (an empty fishtank for now), will it dry the duckling? They're also calling for each other
Yes I talk to them and put on classical music.
Is there a way to safely dry the duckling myself? Or should I put him back in the incubator? He could lay there on his own spot.

There was red fluid in the incubator.. Not a lot, but I think it might be blood. I checked the new duckling quickly and I didn't see blood from his belly. I see a small vein/blood in the egg though.. That's nothing bad, I hope?
It's 11:10 pm now and I'm going to sleep soon, so here's a short update:

The second duckling is now in the brooder too. They're laying with each other and I gave them a round pillow-like thing to rest their heads on. The heating plate they're under feels really hot on the surface, so I placed it higher than the height of their backs. I hope that's alright? There's also water and a bit of food, but they haven't eaten/drank yet. They're so fluffy and adorable together

After taking out the second duckling I quickly cleaned/dried the incubator because it was very humid with and there was water on the bottom. That couldn't be good for Donsje's egg. I sprayed the eggs with warm water while they were out of the incubator. They still haven't made any progress. It's really worrying, they're so close now!

Right now it's too dark so I'll try to get pictures on tomorrow

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