We Quit Cigarettes

congrats on making it to day 11!
Not true. There are some movies I absolutely abhor. Abhor I say!
Like Tropic Thunder (SO bad) and the stupid one...Holmes and Watson. We walked out.
I couldn't bear it any longer. Blech.
Some enjoyed the movies above. My opinion is only my opinion.
Perhaps on a different day under different circumstances, I may have felt differently. :)
However, my point is that I have discerning tastes @Kiki. :p
But just like the music I listen to, I do enjoy an incredibly wide assortment of movies. (and shows) And people.
Some enjoyed the movies above. My opinion is only my opinion.
Perhaps on a different day under different circumstances, I may have felt differently. :)
However, my point is that I have discerning tastes @Kiki. :p
But just like the music I listen to, I do enjoy an incredibly wide assortment of movies. (and shows) And people.
Crazy Lady explains, ever so patiently, that you should suspend disbelief in these instances. When a 6 shooter has completed 53 shots without reloading, I gag. Other discontinuities and technical omissions are also noticed, pointed out and then I'm informed that I ruined the movie. Sorry, it had already spoiled before I got to it. I have my own fantasies, day dreams and squirrel chasing to do, why pay someone else for a glimpse into theirs?
But then I'd have no time to spend with you lovely folks! :bun
That does require a lot of time. People are needy around here. :hugs
I can't help but feel this may be an overstatement. :caf
Shirley you jest!

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