Advice (or reassurance) needed!


Feb 9, 2017
New Zealand
My lavender Arauncana (spelling?) has been sitting on the nest for the last 3 days, I did some reading and figured she must be broody? Anyway I took her off the nest today and locked her out of the nesting box (she is now free ranging), she was not happy, she clucked and paced around the cage for about 10mins and then quietened down, she's ok now, wandering around with the other chickens.
But what I am wondering about is that she has not laid any of her beautiful blue/green eggs for the last 3 days, she usually lays daily. AND, there have been these lovely cream coloured eggs under her (3 in total), she is only about 7 months old. We do also have a Blue Orpington hen, she has not laid any eggs since we got her (not sure how old she is), we got her with her 3 chicks which she is very good at looking after. I figured she wasn't laying because of the chicks.
So, is my Arauncana sitting on the Orpington eggs? And if so how come Orpington has just started laying at the same time that Arauncana got broody? And where are Arauncana's eggs gone??
It's my understanding that once a chicken lays a brown egg she will always lay a brown egg.
They do not change colors.
So if she laid blue/green eggs she will always lay that color.

She is not sitting on her own eggs.
Thanks so much for the quick reply! I am feeling much better now! It makes perfect sense. :)

No problem :)

It's my understanding that once a chicken lays a brown egg she will always lay a brown egg.
They do not change colors.
So if she laid blue/green eggs she will always lay that color.

She is not sitting on her own eggs.

X2 :goodpost:
Hello! And :welcome glad you joined our community!

You hen is not laying eggs because she is broody, it is perfectly normal, the spell will pass in about three weeks, but you can take some measures to make the time shorter. There are many threads on BYC that help cure broody hens. Good Luck!

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