Advice - parasites or disease?

you may be right then, sometimes they just "go light" no known reason, that I know of, have had it happen before.
They shrivle up to nothing even when eating but it's really unnoticable, then they look weak one day and you pick them up, and they are nothing but breast bone and feathers, usually die in just a couple days after that.....I dont know what the cause is, over the many many years, I have had about every type of birds here and there do it, from quail to turkeys, ducks to peafowl???
Usualy no one else gets sick, just the single bird.....
I would definitely worm him ASAP. You mentioned shrunken comb and wattles. I believe that is a symptom of Lymphoid Leukosis which has no treatment available. The only thing that doesnt fit with that is usually you will see an enlarged abdomen. There are so many different illnesses that poultry can have that match your description. What are you feeding him? Are you sure he is actually eating it and not just spilling it out of the feed dish, like rooting around in it? Weight loss can be caused by so many things, I sure hope you figure this out. You could always switch him to a high protien gamebird feed that contains Bacitracin. That will help for any type of Enteritis, which isnt out of the question. Penicillin also treats Enteritis. I say some type of enteritis because of the excessive white in his feces.
I just want to update all of you on my rooster. I don't want to get too excited, but he seems to be improving. I was about to worm him, but because he was showing so much improvement, I have decided to wait a bit. His comb & wattles are getting real pink, and he can stand up by himself now. He's been in my garage with a heat lamp for the past four days, we brought him in after we noticed that he was not able to stay warm by himself at night. I'm not sure why he's getting better or if it will last, but I am weighing him, and I hope to see him gaining weight. I'm wondering if he is being bullied and possibly starved by his penmates? He is the most timid chicken I have ever owned (with chickens, with people he is kind of dog-like). I watch everyone every day to make sure everyone is okay, and I havn't seen anyone picking on him, and I think I would have noticed him not eating - I mean, fighting, weakness, eating, drinking, etc. are the things I look for when I observe them - But on the other hand, he is huge and if he's just getting a bit here and there, (not enough) that could cause malnutrition. I have been giving him chicken vitamins for the past few days. Thanks for all your comments, everybody...I really appreciate it!

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