
Cock O the Walk

May 1, 2016
One of my ladies is feeling under the weather. Just stands around and makes a sound like a low moan. Has a watery green poop. Not sure what I should do for her?
One of my ladies is feeling under the weather. Just stands around and makes a sound like a low moan. Has a watery green poop. Not sure what I should do for her?

You should do a complete exam on her. Check her crop for pressence of food, or being empty, hard and full or soft and puffy. Make sure that it is mostly empty in early mornings. Is she eating and drinking? Feel of her breast are for weight loss, and lower abdomen for any swelling. Check inside her vent an inch or two with one finger for a stuck egg. Look at the skin all over, but especially around the vent for tiny bugs (lice or mites.) Green runny droppings usually is from not eating enough. Give her water with electrolytes and vitamins (such as SaveAChick) and offer some soft egg and feed with water added.
Thanks for the help guys. I went and picked up the electrolytes and vitamins we mixed some up and went out and she was gone. It sad to feel like you can't do much but make her comfortable. She was one of our original flock. I have read some to be better prepared.
One of my ladies is feeling under the weather. Just stands around and makes a sound like a low moan. Has a watery green poop. Not sure what I should do for her?
By any chance are you or did you have family that fought in ww2? Reason I ask is your user name is the name of my grandfathers plane In ww2.
No but that is awesome! My dad was a crew chief for a B-25 post war. It was General Irvines transport. He did a lot of work on the B-29. If your grand father is still with us thank him for me. Do you know what kind of plane it was?
He passed in 91. He was one of the greatest men that I ever knew. My memory is terrible and I can't remember the kind of plane. I'll letcha know when it comes to mind. He was a waste gunner. Flew in 29 missions. The last mission that he was supposed to be on , he got lucky and got to come home before he went. His good friend took his place. I wish I could remember his friends name. Anyway, that mission ended with the plane shot down. I could tell that it always bothered him knowing that he was supposed to be on board instead of his friend. Please Thank your dad for his services. God bless our brave men and women in uniform that keep us safe.

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