Afraid to eat eggs now.....

In the deep dark recesses of time long forgotten, oh say before Opera back in the 1980s. Fertile eggs were offered in the health foodie stores.
There were even some Docs who tried to tell the unwary that you would die an un-natural death if you didn't eat eggs with a little smidgen of rooster in them.

I have seen this crap come and I have seen this crap go but the Sun he keeps coming up each and every morning and the moon she is still waxing and waning just like she always has.

If you are still unconvinced Convert everything that you own to cash and ship it to me in a beat up piece of Samsonite luggage.:thumbsup
To date..... I've only tried it once, 4 eggs scrambled (I don't dare do Sunny Side Up or Over Easy). I was hesitant at first but went for it anyways, it DID tasted different..... a bit 'nutty', if you want to call it that, but very satisfying to the taste (much like yours truly). I don't know if I'd have it again though, I probably would, but as of now my hens aren't laying eggs and since they are of the Oriental Gamefowl breed variety, eggs don't come that often.
To date..... I've only tried it once, 4 eggs scrambled (I don't dare do Sunny Side Up or Over Easy). I was hesitant at first but went for it anyways, it DID tasted different..... a bit 'nutty', if you want to call it that, but very satisfying to the taste (much like yours truly). I don't know if I'd have it again though, I probably would, but as of now my hens aren't laying eggs and since they are of the Oriental Gamefowl breed variety, eggs don't come that often.
You need to pop the yolk when you fry them...get them well done. Da’ Bomb!

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