Afraid to eat eggs now.....

I don't see why a fertilized egg that hasn't developed would taste any different. It's only a few cells worth of difference, isn't it?
OMG..... for the last time it's not the thought of a fertile egg that deters me from eating it, it's the thought that I've hatched these very same eggs and have now seen the product of what it can turn out to be and can't imagine eating it because I've seen my little chicks and grew to love them and the thought of one of them in those eggs that I've eaten bothers me. For the love of all things cute and cuddly in this world..... DO YOU GUYS GET IT NOW?!! Geezus, lawd have mercy on my soul!!!!
Omgoshhh..I know people eat dog too. I’d rather starve! Somethings just cannot be unseen! Thanks ChickenCanoe thanks a lot!!
A good friend of mine who is an animal lover and rescue person, has had long stretches of veganism, has lived all over the world, yet has also eaten horse, cat, dog, guinea pig - you name it.
Once it is dead, it's food.

You need to pop the yolk when you fry them...get them well done. Da’ Bomb!
To each his own. Runny yolks are Da' Bomb!
I love to eat eggs any way possible: quiche, frittata, egg salad, egg flower soup, eggnog, egg custard, egg brulee, Scotch eggs, egg yolk mooncake, fried egg in a plantain ring, chopped ham and eggs on toast with thousand island dressing, baked avocado with whole egg and diced ham hock in the center.
I don't eat much bread but I can't eat soft boiled eggs or soft poached eggs without a bit of bread to sop up the runny yolk. :drool

I don't know anyone that has an automatic dishwasher but doesn't have a pot or pan but did you know you can hard boil eggs in your dishwasher?
To date..... I've only tried it once, 4 eggs scrambled (I don't dare do Sunny Side Up or Over Easy). I was hesitant at first but went for it anyways, it DID tasted different..... a bit 'nutty', if you want to call it that, but very satisfying to the taste (much like yours truly). I don't know if I'd have it again though, I probably would, but as of now my hens aren't laying eggs and since they are of the Oriental Gamefowl breed variety, eggs don't come that often.
I've known others of like mind but I always ask why people would go through the expense and hassle of raising chickens if they're afraid to eat eggs.

A friend of mine who was a nurse ate eggs but wouldn't eat mine because she saw my free range chickens. I guess she thought about them eating bugs. I asked her if she wanted to know how the source of store eggs were housed. She said, NO!!!
OMG..... for the last time it's not the thought of a fertile egg that deters me from eating it, it's the thought that I've hatched these very same eggs and have now seen the product of what it can turn out to be and can't imagine eating it because I've seen my little chicks and grew to love them and the thought of one of them in those eggs that I've eaten bothers me. For the love of all things cute and cuddly in this world..... DO YOU GUYS GET IT NOW?!! Geezus, lawd have mercy on my soul!!!!
I get it now.
I'm just curious why someone with so little experience is so quick to discount the sage counsel of those with a half century or more of experience and education in all aspects of poultry production.
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I get it now.
I'm just curious why someone with so little experience is so quick to discount the sage counsel of those with a half century or more of experience and education in all aspects of poultry production.
Oh no you did-INT! Girlfriend, I have had chicks when I was younger you know...... just that it's been a very long time since I've had them again. So don't you dare question my chicken keeping skillzzz! *snaps finger*
You know typing all that out looks ridiculous, right? Is that intentionally exaggerated?
Nobody's questioning your chicken keeping skills. This is a discussion about eggs.
Okay gotta ask this what is egg yolk moon cake?@ChickenCanoe
You listed some mighty tasty things!
BTW I like runny yolks too. Just not on sandwiches...I end up wearing too much of it.
Okay gotta ask this what is egg yolk moon cake?@ChickenCanoe
You listed some mighty tasty things!
BTW I like runny yolks too. Just not on sandwiches...I end up wearing too much of it.
You'll find one recipe in the following link. "Lotus Seed Paste Mooncakes with Double Yolks".
There are others but they all involve lotus seed and egg yolks. It revolves around cooking by the moon.

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