Aggressive hatchling


May 31, 2020
New duck momma here.... I rescued three mallard eggs from a nest on my front porch after a raccoon tossed the nest and momma abandoned it. The wildlife center said they wouldn't take the eggs, but said that if I got them to hatch, they would take them as rescues. 26 days later (and countless hours scouring these forums)... I've got two hatchlings! They are adorable and doing well except one keeps aggressively pecking at the other. I had to even remove it from the incubator because it was yanking the still hatching ducks wings. Is this normal? At what point do I become concerned?
Also, any recommendations on how long I should keep them here before making the trek to the wildlife center?


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They are currently curled up together napping, but as soon as they wake up and start walking around the pecking starts! Mostly at the feet and beak. Fingers crossed that it's just some friendly sibling rivalry
They are eating and drinking, playing in their water, generally being adorable. The aggression seems to be more playful at this point as no one is getting hurt. It is going to be a sad day when we have to drop them off!
I'm not sure why it would do that but I would keep them for the first 20 hours. If the duckling is still aggressive then something to separate them, just so they can see each other but not touch.

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