Aggressive rooster problem


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2022
I have a aggressive rooster. Ever since he was a chick he has starved and bullied the others, even the hens. He also killed a other rooster and almost starved a hen. I have gotten spurred by him, and have had to resort to carrying a broom to scare him off, which doesn't work that well because he attacks it anyway. I want to keep him for protection because he is very good at protecting, but him attacking absolutely everyone is just not okay. Any ideas, or should I just get a new rooster and invite him to dinner?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
He doesn't sound like a good rooster at all. I'd send him to freezer camp then get one that you can visit and see in action to verify he is not aggressive to humans or rough on the girls. Quarantine him for 30 days then integrate him into your flock.

This works best on the kind of rooster you describe.

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