In the Brooder
Hey folks,
I am having a problem with my Wyandotte suddenly now being very aggressive toward my D'Uccle. They were purchased at 4 week old chicks (they are now all about 8 months) and have lived in harmony until a few weeks agf course we have our hierarchy. My Brahma is the boss, my Red Rock is the worry wart, my Jersey Gold is laid back and goes with the flow, my D'Uccle is a little chatter box that seems to have the "blonde girl" syndrome and then there is our Wyandotte, she has always been aloof, nonsocial and standoffish. She will seek out the D'Uccle and give a good solid peck on the head and sometimes she will grab a hold of her neck, jump on her back and shake her like a dog would. She leaves the other chickens alone and just targets the little one.. The D'Uccle has become very nervous and avoids her like the plague but she will run across the run just to peck her. I am really worried for her safety.
Is this just typical chicken behavior and I should just let it run its course? As much as I do not want to get rid of her I will for the safety of my D'UIccle. She is a decent layer, about 1 every other day where as my D'Uccle has only laid 2 to date but she is such a social little bird and is so sweet.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am having a problem with my Wyandotte suddenly now being very aggressive toward my D'Uccle. They were purchased at 4 week old chicks (they are now all about 8 months) and have lived in harmony until a few weeks agf course we have our hierarchy. My Brahma is the boss, my Red Rock is the worry wart, my Jersey Gold is laid back and goes with the flow, my D'Uccle is a little chatter box that seems to have the "blonde girl" syndrome and then there is our Wyandotte, she has always been aloof, nonsocial and standoffish. She will seek out the D'Uccle and give a good solid peck on the head and sometimes she will grab a hold of her neck, jump on her back and shake her like a dog would. She leaves the other chickens alone and just targets the little one.. The D'Uccle has become very nervous and avoids her like the plague but she will run across the run just to peck her. I am really worried for her safety.
Is this just typical chicken behavior and I should just let it run its course? As much as I do not want to get rid of her I will for the safety of my D'UIccle. She is a decent layer, about 1 every other day where as my D'Uccle has only laid 2 to date but she is such a social little bird and is so sweet.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.