Ahhhhh.... Surgery Friday, and I have to spend the night...... Ugh

Speedy healings for you. Watch people closely to ensure proper universal precautions. Infection from other germs while in hospitals is very common. I have had to tell staff to wash hands or put new gloves on a few times.
Stephen King could write a book about the horror of spending the night at a hospital. Hope everything goes well.
I had mine out a couple years ago! It was an easy recovery, just don't turn your head too much right after you wake up. Or shout at people like I tried to! Lol...

Take your time with everything and it will be ok!!! You can barely see the scar on my neck and its only been 2 or 3 yrs since mine!
Thanks everyone......... tomorrows the big day.
You'll be alright chickenzoo!! I never had surgery either til 2010 & had a hysterectomy, I was a little nervous about it too (not knowing what was gonna happen) but everything was fine. You wake up and "huh? It's over all ready???"

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
I think they like you to stay so they can make sure you're on the road to recovery before they let you go. I was in only one night and I went home the next afternoon!
Sour You Are As Bad As My Sister She Hid in My Closet Cuz She Did Not Want Too Get Her Check Up And When She Got Her Shot She Cried Like A Big Baby And I Just Sat There And Let It Get Done

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