Alaska, are you getting ready for Mt. Redoubt eruption?

Hi Tori et all:

Was glad to check and see that nothing had changed much on the volcano overnight. I really need to get off this rock and to Anchorage for awhile, volcano or no.

I had to laugh about the air conditioning comment! Absolutely no worries about us using the air conditioners! You can't even buy them on island in the summer!

And the bbq comment - I went for coffee with friends this morning and one of them said she thought she'd defrost her freezer today. Said it was the perfect day for it because she could set everything out on the porch and not worry about it thawing while she cleaned! We always use our back porch for refrigeration of drinks and such during parties. It's great.
Steve, there's no mention of any bulging. She's letting off steam and gasses, and there's increased melting on the summit where it blew in '89. Mt St Helens created a lava-dome. Still quiet right now. Thank goodness.

Erin, we're good so far... come on over!! LOL! Always nice to get away to the "city" for a while, eh?

If I didn't have to worry about critters getting into food, I'd be storing a lot more stuff outside right now.
Our dogs keep stealing the neighbor's sled-dog's bones right out from under them, and there are crows and eagles hanging out over there. I keep finding moose bones in my yard, and the dogs are getting sick from all the extra rich meat/fat...
That is the one convenient thing about winter here in Michigan, too. I can just put my cases of pop (soda for all you non-Michiganders) in the garage and they get colder out there than they would in the fridge!!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain, I wish I could look out my window and see eagles! That sounds amazingly wild to me.
I was on an airplane...on the runway in Portland, OR when St. Helens blew. Seemed like the world had ended from all the ash and how dark it became.

Do take the warnings about masks is pretty scary stuff!
talked to my parents they are in Kodiak and they told me that they would be fine. but after going through Mt St Helens I am a little worried about them.
Lesliet, they are far enough south that they would only see a slight ash fall... no worries.
They're safe.

Chickenlady, it is amazing even after 10 years.
Moose wander through almost daily, and the occasional bear keeps us on our toes.

Quiet this morning...
I am reading Sue henry's lastest book, Degrees of Seperation, and there is TONS of earthquake stuff going on and it's right in the area where the REAL stuff is happening now. Kind of strange...
Stay safe all of you in the great white north!
I have a little bottle of ash from Mt Spur in '92 I pulled out to remind me of that time! It sure was messy!! We all had panty hose over our air intake of our vehicles, and one guy with a real beater came around and picked us all up for work, so we could avoid driving as much as possible. DON't turn on your windshield wipers!!! The dust and ash will be around for WEEKS!

It all depends on the wind, and weather how much it'll affect things. We are all at the mercy of Mother Nature, and I don't know where the quote is from, but it's very appropriate, "Nature deals us neither rewards nor punishments, only consequences." We take precautions for whatever may be dealt... then go on from there.

[edit] Lesliet, I agree, your folks are fine!!

[edit again] Cook inlet is huge, a whale is like a minnow. Giant ships come and go easily. I only lived in AK for 7 years, but never NEVER took for granted being able to see Moose and Bear and other wildlife on any given day. We all talked about seeing the first BALD EAGLE of spring, never the first robin! It's the most amazing place in the world. I miss it every single day... but at least I can watch nature and travel shows about it now without crying.
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I have a little bottle of ash from Mt Spur in '92 I pulled out to remind me of that time! It sure was messy!! We all had panty hose over our air intake of our vehicles, and one guy with a real beater came around and picked us all up for work, so we could avoid driving as much as possible. DON't turn on your windshield wipers!!! The dust and ash will be around for WEEKS!

It all depends on the wind, and weather how much it'll affect things. We are all at the mercy of Mother Nature, and I don't know where the quote is from, but it's very appropriate, "Nature deals us neither rewards nor punishments, only consequences." We take precautions for whatever may be dealt... then go on from there.

[edit] Lesliet, I agree, your folks are fine!!

[edit again] Cook inlet is huge, a whale is like a minnow. Giant ships come and go easily. I only lived in AK for 7 years, but never NEVER took for granted being able to see Moose and Bear and other wildlife on any given day. We all talked about seeing the first BALD EAGLE of spring, never the first robin! It's the most amazing place in the world. I miss it every single day... but at least I can watch nature and travel shows about it now without crying.


Do you think you'll ever come back? I wondered at your screen name, if you had lived here before.
We see eagles almost every day, because of the dog-sled teams next door. They're scavenging for bones... LOL! Once or twice a year we have a young black bear come through looking for a free meal, but so far the lynx and other predators have stayed away. Too many dogs. It's always exciting to see a wild animal.

And yes, the Cook Inlet is huge. Don't know how wide it is, but wide enough that we are safe from any lava-flows or even tsunamis. Unless the explosion is big enough to obliterate the mountain... then no one is safe. We're far enough inland that I'm not worried, though. I worrry more about the oil-platforms in the inlet that are close to the mountain. They could be in trouble if she goes.

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