Albino Chickens

I wasn't disagreeing with your evaluation of what color the chicks were. I actually believe your dead on those. I was just clearing up the myth that all albinos lack pigmentation in a previous post
Ok, That's my fault. All's good

albino (ălbī`nō) [Port.,=white], animal or plant lacking normal pigmentation. The absence of pigment is observed in the body covering (skin, hair, and feathers) and in the iris of the eye. The blood vessels of the retina show through the iris, giving it a pink or reddish color, and the eyes are highly sensitive to light. Albinism is inherited as a Mendelian recessive character (see Mendel; genetics) in humans and other animals. Through experimental breeding, races of albinos have been established among some domestic animals, e.g., mice, rabbits, pigeons, and chickens. Albino animals are sometimes held sacred, for example, white elephants in Thailand and white cattle in India. The presence of an excess of black pigment is called melanism.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
2007, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights

1. a person with congenital absence of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair
2. any animal or plant that is deficient in pigment
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition
HarperCollins Publishers 2005

albino [al′bī·nō]
A human or animal with a congenital deficiency of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes.
An abnormal plant with colorless chromatophores.

al·bi·no (
n. pl. al·bi·nos
A person or animal lacking normal pigmentation, with the result being that the skin and hair are abnormally white or milky and the eyes have a pink or blue iris and a deep-red pupil.
2. A plant that lacks chlorophyll.
[Portuguese, from albo, white, from Latin albus; see albho- in Indo-European roots.]
The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright
2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

albino [ælˈbiːnəʊ]
n pl -nos
(Medicine / Pathology) a person with congenital absence of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Biology) any animal or plant that is deficient in pigment
[via Portuguese from Spanish, from albo white, from Latin albus]
albinic [ælˈbɪnɪk], albinistic adj
albinism [ˈælbɪˌnɪzəm] n
albinotic [ˌælbɪˈnɒtɪk] adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged
HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

albino (
An organism lacking normal pigmentation or coloration. Animals that are albinos lack pigmentation due to a congenital absence of melanin. In humans and other mammals, albinos have white hair, pale skin, and usually pinkish eyes. Plants that are albinos lack normal amounts of chlorophyll or other pigments.
That's actually not true. I believe there are actually four different known kinds of albinism in birds. All though complete albino animals lack pigment there are numerous cases of partial albinism in birds.
Yes ....... so it my statement was correct. I was not talking about 'partial albinism - that is not an albino! An albino lack ALL pigment it its body.
Yes ....... so it my statement was correct. I was not talking about 'partial albinism - that is not an albino! An albino lack ALL pigment it its body.
Partial Albinism is a albino form. All of these are forms still Albino but not the common expectation of a Albino. As previously discussed there are many albino people with blue eyes. Blue is obviously a pigment. I will agree that most lack complete pigmentation but not every single albino case is going to be the same.
Partially clean is not clean!

Partially deaf is not deaf.

Partially albino is NOT ALBINO.

True albino has NO blue eyes.
I agree with Kevin 565. There are different forms of ablinism which some have pigment like blue eyes which I think is the most common. A "true" albino is extremely rare (this is the complete lack of pigmentation). There are other ablinos like the blue eyed ones they are just not "true" albinos. Just a different kind/ catigory. Also being mostly deaf usually does puts you in the deaf catigory. Along with blindness. Even if you can still see foggy shadows you are still considered legally blind. You don't need to be 100% blind or deaf.

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