all farm animals

Foxes can be fun. I attracted one by piling up all of the duck and chicken feathers I had when I cleaned the coops. The fox never could leave it alone making it easy to shoot him.
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Foxes can be fun. I attracted one by piling up all of the duck and chicken feathers I had when I cleaned the coops. The fox never could leave it alone making it easy to shoot him.
wow thanks for that I was wondering if that would work I had thought about that but there is like 4-6 inchs of snow so I would have to get in the coops cause most of them are outside the pens so that leaves me with only a couple chickens cause most of the chickens are up off the ground on chicken wire

well since I cracked the door to hopfully draw the fox the ducks finally figured out how to get out and I didn't even crack it that much and my sister is like Katie there something out there ,me- really ,your joking , her - no ,me- that's the ducks, her- are you sure it looks like a cat ,me- yes there waddling and theres 2 lighter ones and 2 darkere ones and Aflac just chased one of the othere ducks

wow thanks for that I was wondering if that would work I had thought about that but there is like 4-6 inchs of snow so I would have to get in the coops cause most of them are outside the pens so that leaves me with only a couple chickens cause most of the chickens are up off the ground on chicken wire

well since I cracked the door to hopfully draw the fox the ducks finally figured out how to get out and I didn't even crack it that much and my sister is like Katie there something out there ,me- really ,your joking , her - no ,me- that's the ducks, her- are you sure it looks like a cat ,me- yes there waddling and theres 2 lighter ones and 2 darkere ones and Aflac just chased one of the othere ducks

Foxes are easy Coyotes seem to be just a bit smarter when they see something pointed at them they turn around and run. Next they thing they should do while running away is in a zig zag pattern.
Foxes are easy Coyotes seem to be just a bit smarter when they see something pointed at them they turn around and run. Next they thing they should do while running away is in a zig zag pattern.

ya my dad told me that up in Chicago they aren't so skiddish and shy etc. but down in southern Illinois there used to being shot at and so they are more skiddish and run awayish I luckly have never had a problem with the coyotes because I don't have cattle I mean I have hogs but my friend her dad is hunting some coyotes now cause there getting a hold of the calfs
its fine that what this fourm is for advice and pics

I love your turkey puffed out

are you eating mr. porkers right about now lol

nice pics

I love the pic of the cat and chicken
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well bout to give up there have been no signs o the predetor and with me being sick its hard to be so on guard and watchful I was holding my 22 rifle and my arm was getting tired of holdig it only for a minute or so

so hows everybody doin

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