All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

I’m so excited cuz I have a new layer... I think it’s Cake.. not 100% but she did squat for me.. anyway, look at those gorgeous dark brown eggs! I am eggstatic!! I didn’t have anymore dark eggs... and I did not know that any of these gals would lay such dark eggs! So, this helps balance out aaaalll those blue eggs.... Bob😉😄
I’m so excited cuz I have a new layer... I think it’s Cake.. not 100% but she did squat for me.. anyway, look at those gorgeous dark brown eggs! I am eggstatic!! I didn’t have anymore dark eggs... and I did not know that any of these gals would lay such dark eggs! So, this helps balance out aaaalll those blue eggs.... Bob😉😄View attachment 2850708
Those are lovely eggs! Eggceptional!
(I figured out that it's the most mature Cali White who is laying, my Daisy fangirl, she was in a box when I went out to get eggs. But boy, is she a screamer!
Hi there everyone!! We finally have internet! And cable and landline 😄
How is everyone? We are well.. been very busy cleaning up! Hopefully things will slow down a bit and I can catch up... Hope yall are doing good..
Brudda.. update me about your babies... I had replied to your comment and pics when you posted them but my reply disappeared 🤷🏼‍♀️
See yall 💕❤️💕
Yay! Glad you are back and up and running! 😍🥰
Here’s the blessed mess... The buckets sitting around are from after the storm we collected water just in case we were out... (mainly I was thinking about the chickens 😬) after hurricane Katrina we were without water for two weeks.. this time we had a pencil thin line for about a week... but that’s better than none!
It’s not all that bad considering! My friend across the street had a tree through her roof😞
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That IS a lot of cleanup! Unreal. I’m just glad you guys are okay!
Hi there! Good to be here! We are all doing very well... it’s been a lot of work... we got an oak tree down and two giant pine trees... the pines did not fall we had them cut down and have four more to go... and the oak tree broke in half so we got the rest of it cut down... so now a lot of the mess is trying to fix the yard after the tree guys are done... but I dare not complain! This whole thing puts everything into perspective... I can definitely deal with a messy yard... my dear friend is dealing with putting her house back together... as are lots of people.
So sad. :(

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