All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

Oh, sorry to hear about Janet! How old is she now?
She's 6 going on 7.

But she seems really healthy this week! Not sure what's going on with her, but I'm delighted that she's eating lots more and bustling around the place more than she was.
There is no option for that. They are going to be more aware. That seems skittish but it is a survival instinct and really smart of them.
Yes! That’s it! Very cautious and alert/aware. It’s really sad though cuz when I let them out into their yard they go hide in one corner… and they run from one area to another. They are hardly ever just chilling and exploring the whole yard😕
She's 6 going on 7.

But she seems really healthy this week! Not sure what's going on with her, but I'm delighted that she's eating lots more and bustling around the place more than she was.
Oh wow! She’s an old gal!❤️ I’m glad she is doing well! Hopefully she has a few more years left ❤️❤️
Yes! That’s it! Very cautious and alert/aware. It’s really sad though cuz when I let them out into their yard they go hide in one corner… and they run from one area to another. They are hardly ever just chilling and exploring the whole yard😕
It's going to take some time for them to explore more, if ever. Since the last hawk attack mine don't travel the whole yard like they used to. They use a strip of the yard where there is overhead coverage. They no longer sunbathe on the deck and are never down on the patio.
Yes! That’s it! Very cautious and alert/aware. It’s really sad though cuz when I let them out into their yard they go hide in one corner… and they run from one area to another. They are hardly ever just chilling and exploring the whole yard😕
WhoDat you can make them feel safer (and be a bit safer) if you give them some places to hide under.
I have some old garden chairs. A pallet up on blocks would be good.
I even used one of those pop up tents - it got destroyed in a storm - but could still stand at an angle about 3’ high.
WhoDat you can make them feel safer (and be a bit safer) if you give them some places to hide under.
I have some old garden chairs. A pallet up on blocks would be good.
I even used one of those pop up tents - it got destroyed in a storm - but could still stand at an angle about 3’ high.
:goodpost: Exactly what I was thinking...recalling pictures of your now the open spaces feel too-open to them. So more hiding spots, where they can still peck around under but feel they aren't so exposed.
It's going to take some time for them to explore more, if ever. Since the last hawk attack mine don't travel the whole yard like they used to. They use a strip of the yard where there is overhead coverage. They no longer sunbathe on the deck and are never down on the patio.
Awww, that’s sad! I wish they could forget😢
WhoDat you can make them feel safer (and be a bit safer) if you give them some places to hide under.
I have some old garden chairs. A pallet up on blocks would be good.
I even used one of those pop up tents - it got destroyed in a storm - but could still stand at an angle about 3’ high.
Oh, they have lots of places to hide… sooo many bushes and other things. That’s where they hide and then run from one of those areas to the other😕 Thank you though for your thoughts and ideas, I appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️
So I went and got some pics😊
This is the area they mostly hide in… back there in the corner and under these bushes…

And then they run to the back… these bushes are in front of my moms house. Their yard and coop is in between our houses…

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