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You know I was asking for advise with phone calls as I was getting very anxious?
I asked God for help, and I think He both helped me with that, and I was also able to talk to some police about joining up, in person, which I had wanted to do for a long time.
Thank you Father.
Praise the Lord! That's so exciting!
Black and Blue Sex-links, an Easter Egger and a Buff Orpington, currently.
How do you find you Buff Orp? I haven't been very impressed, as mine seemed to have feathers growing where their brains should be.
What about you?
I have,,,,,an uncounted flock of Light and Coronation Sussex, 2 Golden Cuckoo Marans pullets, 1 BCM pullet, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Cuckoo Orp, 1 RIR, 1 SS.
Also, a lot of mixes of the above
How do you find you Buff Orp? I haven't been very impressed, as mine seemed to have feathers growing where their brains should be.
Mine is a goofball but doesn't seem to be especially stupid.
She's very fluffy though and doesn't mind being handled so I like her.
I have,,,,,an uncounted flock of Light and Coronation Sussex, 2 Golden Cuckoo Marans pullets, 1 BCM pullet, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Cuckoo Orp, 1 RIR, 1 SS.
Also, a lot of mixes of the above
That's cool!

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