All who have traveled with toddlers on a plane ~ advice? Update!

5 in the morning is too early to laugh hard.. You made my day~~~. That is a hilarious story. Made me think of my airplane/ toilet paper on the seat story....:
.... One time some stuck to me, and was hanging out of the back of my pants!! While getting off the plane some one was nice enough to say "excuse me sir, you have toilet paper sticking out of your pants." I could have said thank you... But no I was way to embarrassed for that. I said "oh that toilet paper is just in my pocket, it is not really hanging out of the back of my pants"..


I'd totally do the same thing! hahahahahaha
Oooo- if Benadryl doesn't make him sleepy then leave it at home. Just a little bit too much of it and you may have the opposite of sleepy! Yikes!
Only give him meds if you KNOW they will make him sleepy. Long flights are not a good time for med experimentation. I'd start experimenting
now before you go with meds, foods and toys and books and see what keeps him calm and makes him sleepy. And if you find out that puzzles (for example)
make him nice and calm then buy some new ones that he's never seen before so he can see them for the first time on the flight. Along with
a few new things bring some old favorites- blankie, lovies, etc.
My son, who was almost 2, DH and I flew from DFW to Paris to Italy and I think my son did better than I did on the flight. Little ones can surprise you-
my DS is a much better and less antsy traveler than I am.

Good luck and travel safely.
I used to have a list for just this thing.

You pack a nap sack with the following. Go to your local walmart or target for the items. You will want:

a few cheap cars and planes and other vehicles (wrap each in tissue paper or wrapping paper) try to get ones that wont roll to opposite end of plane if dropped.

a few wind-up toys (wrap these up like gifts too)

an travel aqua doodle and pad (uses water to color)


Portable DVD player with favorite dvd's



some M&M's (I use the organic equivalent) dole them out a few at a time especially when landing as it will help like gum I also get those little screw airplane ear things they make them for infants too.

The reason you wrap the toys is that it takes a bit of time to unwrap them, in addition if they are ones he has never seen before he will get more fun out of them. I go to the $1 section in target and spend about $10 getting cheap toys that can get lost or broken and not the ones he already has.

with a back pack packed like that and a diaper bag with all the necessities you should be good at least for a few hours.
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TSA will not permit wrapped items. No bubbles, no juices and usually no canned fruits etc. These will have to be purchased inside the terminal. Toys that do not look like guns, knives or other weapons. They've even confiscated the pirate swords offered by Disney. Walkmans, Ipods and x-boxes etc. must be turned off during takeoff and landing (anything using batteries). I would advise against markers because of the odor.
How about a big turkey dinner? Usually works for me
I'll nap for hours. Really though, do what you can and don't sweat the rest. Enjoy your visit!!
Okay all first off Thank you again for all the information. Second I am sorry for the slow reply I herniated a disc in my back thursday and havent even gotten out of bed since then. I have a doc apointment on monday with a back doc. So again Thanks and sorry.

The sit n stroll works great it will be much easier than having to tote his Britax carseat in and out of the planes. I have a friend who has two little ones that they have used it with since the twins were 4 months old.

He does have his own seat being he is over 2 and there is no way somone is gonna hold a kid for 14 hrs of flight time.

As for juice and water and such as long as you are taking it for your child I can take as much as I need for the length of out trip. So thats a good thing. I did ask about playdoh and was told no but the foam that was suggested earlier is a okay. Hmm silly but whatever works. As far as wrapping the toys up as long as one end is open or they can xray it they are allowed.

I have gotten lots of coloring books and have already melted crayons and molded them into different shapes that will not roll off the table.

I am glad someone said the aquadoodle thing. I saw one and was going to ask what yall thought of them so thanks

Ill take benadryl anywhos even though he wont be getting it for him to sleep but just incase he gets into something he might be allergic to. So far he doesnt have any allergies but better safe than sorry.

Okay I am back of to sleepy time. I just had to come check in and thank you all again. I will put a list together in the next day or so of what I have and let yall look it over . Thanks
Becarefull with the Benadryl, some kids it relaxes, some kids it hypes up.

I had both types, oldest would see a bottle of Benadryl he would role over and fall asleep. Middle boy, give him a dose and you dang well better have your runnin shoes on.

Frankly a 14 hour flight. I think that is a serious enough reason to consult a Dr. Reason it out this way-- If it were a 1 or 2 hr flight, even if the kid went ballistic, and passed critical mass, it's only 2 hours, anybody can fight a bear for 2 hours. Not fun for sure but it is soon over. However in this case we are talking 14 solid hours on the plane, add boarding time, gate time, taxi time, waiting in line time, fartin around time, you could be on a plane for as much as 16+ hours. That is a lifetime, if that child suffers from some sort of anxiety attack at the start of the flight, he could well and truly be ill by landing time. Not to mention scarred for life. Consult a DR. A safe child type tranquillizer is available.

I was on a 90 minute flight from San Antonio Tx to Houston one time. A three year old child named Bruce, turned that flight into shear hell. If the flight attendant would have opened the door I would have got out and walked the rest of the way to Houston. At 15,000 ft.
It is not a 14-hour flight. It is a trip that will total 14+ hours including air-time for several flights and the layovers in-between those flights. However, you are correct, using benedryl as a tranquilizer should be thought through very carefully. I applaud your suggestion of asking the doctor for an alternative.
Do not use benedryl - very dangerous & "old school". The one time I tried it, 15+ years ago, it didn't even work. My kids have flown their whole lives. My DD was always a sleeper & eater - no problem. With DS, we took turns walking him around the plane.

Also, do not worry about what others say. It will not improve the situation for you or your kid.

Safe travels!
I had forgotten about the new rules. I cant believe no playdoh but that foam is ok so strange. Last time I flew we were allowes juice or formula as long as it was 4 ounces or something like that and gift wrapping was ok since it was xrayed anyway. Oh well Good luck sounds like you have everything you need and what the rules are. Have a wonderful trip and feel better

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