All who have traveled with toddlers on a plane ~ advice? Update!


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
DJ, Alaska
We are flying from AK to SC and well I’m not looking forward to the 14 or so hours just for my sake but add my crib midget and well this
is now where we are at.

So where else can I turn to but my fellow BYC’rs!? I am sure many of you have flown with your little ones and can tell me your packing list for the carry on, or any tips and ideas used to help keep them happy. Pretty much all advice you can send my way I will be thankful for.

The only flight the crib midget has been on was a medevac and then the 45 min flight home. So needless to say I am pretty much lost. Thanks again BYC’rs

ETA ~~ He just turned 2 this month and he isnt a fan of TV ~ silly kid right?! He would much rather be playing and working with tools or animals...dang that farm raising I have been doing...right lol
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cheerios, juice box...

crayons, coloring books...

portable dvd with headphones and lots of movies

fav toys
Try a portable DVD player with headphones and some Little Einsteins or other shows he/she might like. Also suckers and also Fun Dip (it's got a stick that they dip into pixy stuff and lick off).....we did this with our kept their mouths busy! Hope you get more ideas!
crayons, play-doh (although I don't know if the airline will allow that now-a-days it worked great for me back when I did it) a small bag of legos, magna doodle, maybe go out and get a little cheapy set of farm animals you know the kind like army men. I would suggest that you go and buy a new toy and don't give it to him until the plane is in flight. This way he will be sure to be entertained for at least say 4 to 5 minutes
Lots of snacks! I know this is a bad thing any other time but hey kids like them. I mean how many gummy fruits can one 2 yr old consume in 14 hours right?

Just make sure that when you take off and when you land you give him some sort of sippy cup or bottle or else you both will be miserable throughout the entire flight due to ear pressure!!!!

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