Am I crazy? Does this look fertile to you?

Really! Have you added any hens to your flock lately? A bred hen *can* be fertile for a month or a bit more. It's more common for them to be fertile 7-10 days after the last breeding, but it's been seen before.

If you haven't added anyone in the last month I'm gonna have to go with stealth roo, otherwise we're all crazy 'cause that's a fertile egg.

I raised all 4 of my "chickens" from chicks! WAH!
Everyone looks awfully female.

Do you free range? Anyone else have chickens in the area?
I have 4 total. 2 just started laying. So it has to be one of those pictured. I thought I had all girls too! That's why I thought I was crazy.
How old are they? EE roos can take a while to sprout the tell tale feathers that you see with purebreds. the one in the front on the first picture, check its legs and see if there are spur sprouts coming in? That may be your culprit. But that egg sure does have a bulls eye.
I took a third look, and reading that this was a month old picture, yes, Chewey is your guy. You can see those curved tail feathers coming in. How far are you from your neighbors? Would they narc you out if he crows? I wish I lived close by, he is beautiful. Some of the EEs are the ugliest birds, and some are the most beautiful, but all of them are very interesting.
I am sure if you put an ad up you can find him a home if you must get rid of him. That is too bad though.

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