Amazing survival story! My 13 week old hen

cicene mete

11 Years
Jun 19, 2008
Last Wednesday, my Gamefowl hen Draga flew out of the electrified poultry netting (again) where she free ranges during the day. I heard a bunch of commotion and all the birds doing the alarm call, and she was nowhere to be found. We searched high and low and saw no trace of her. I assumed a fox or coyote got her, as we have them both in abundance. We searched that night to see if she was in a tree. We got up the next morning before dawn and searched again, hoping the rooster's call would bring her back. Nothing. None of my neighbors saw anything either, so we gave up.

Five nights later, and I stuck my head out the front door and who do I see strutting up the driveway? You guessed it. I have no idea where she's been or how she survived.
I wish she could talk; I bet she'd have some stories to tell. We are surrounded by predators, just about every kind you can have, but somehow she pulled it off!

Once we caught her (she did the usual chicken thing: walking towards us for not wanting to be caught), I thought my DW would never let her go. Now, she's safe and sound back in the barn, eating like a horse.

Oh, and we clipped her wings!
Wow, I would have taken her for a goner too. Maybe she got herself trapped in some little place and it took a few days to 'skinny' herself out. Silly chicken. Then I suppose she could have a boyfriend.
Thanks everybody. I still can't believe it. DW keeps going out to check and make sure she's still there. I really do wonder where in the world she could have gone (and how far away) all this time. Our friend suggested we ask Draga if she's trying to get a book deal: "The Draga Saga: Adventures of a Small Chicken."

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