Ameraucana 12 weeks pullet or cockerel?


Mar 19, 2020
Wheat Ridge, CO
First time chicken raiser here. I raised this Ameraucana as a several day old chick in mid March, this week is week 12. She grew much larger than all the other 4 chicks (2 Speckled Sussex, 1 Polish crested, 1 Barnevelder) and is now the most dominant of the flock but not mean, just seems more dominant, sometimes has her wings on the other birds while roosting, things like that. So I started wondering if SHE was a HE a few weeks ago (sold to me as female BTW, not straight run) by feathers. The comb did turn red sooner than the others, but they aren't all the same breed. For the life of me I can't see if the hackle feathers are pointed or not but the tail is curving down and has some gorgeous iridescent blue/green feathers. Can anyone offer opinions here by these photos? Thanks!


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First time chicken raiser here. I raised this Ameraucana as a several day old chick in mid March, this week is week 12. She grew much larger than all the other 4 chicks (2 Speckled Sussex, 1 Polish crested, 1 Barnevelder) and is now the most dominant of the flock but not mean, just seems more dominant, sometimes has her wings on the other birds while roosting, things like that. So I started wondering if SHE was a HE a few weeks ago (sold to me as female BTW, not straight run) by feathers. The comb did turn red sooner than the others, but they aren't all the same breed. For the life of me I can't see if the hackle feathers are pointed or not but the tail is curving down and has some gorgeous iridescent blue/green feathers. Can anyone offer opinions here by these photos? Thanks!
I’m fairly new to chickens myself and also curious about one of my “girls” so I’m not much help... not sure if yours is a boy or girl but that is one gorgeous chicken!! 😍🐔
Confirmed boy at 5:15 this morning. Awkward teenage crowing!!
Well.... HE is absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry that you aren't allowed to have roosters! I sure hope you're able to find him a great new home!
I'm currently in the same boat that you were just in. We have two "female" Ameraucanas. One grew way faster than the other. They are only 10 weeks old, and the bigger one has the deepest voice. We named her Dorothy from the Golden Girls. lol I sure hope she ends up being a girl, as we just don't really want any roosters. Luckily, we can have roosters, but I just have to convince my boyfriend!
Well.... HE is absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry that you aren't allowed to have roosters! I sure hope you're able to find him a great new home!
I'm currently in the same boat that you were just in. We have two "female" Ameraucanas. One grew way faster than the other. They are only 10 weeks old, and the bigger one has the deepest voice. We named her Dorothy from the Golden Girls. lol I sure hope she ends up being a girl, as we just don't really want any roosters. Luckily, we can have roosters, but I just have to convince my boyfriend!
Yes he is so gorgeous! I have someone who said they would take a rooster if I got one, a former co-worker that I used to buy eggs from. He’ll be in good hands on a small farm. Maybe I can visit!
Well.... HE is absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry that you aren't allowed to have roosters! I sure hope you're able to find him a great new home!
I'm currently in the same boat that you were just in. We have two "female" Ameraucanas. One grew way faster than the other. They are only 10 weeks old, and the bigger one has the deepest voice. We named her Dorothy from the Golden Girls. lol I sure hope she ends up being a girl, as we just don't really want any roosters. Luckily, we can have roosters, but I just have to convince my boyfriend!
We have 7 roosters and I know without a doubt that if something was to try and get in the coop at night it would not stand a chance. Roosters are good at protecting their ladies.
However, we do live outside of town and get lots of skunks and raccoons and occasionally a badger so my boyfriend said we are keeping all of the roosters.

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