Thank you! I honestly never thought that was a thing so that is definitely something I will keep in mind. I currently only have three pullets that would make an olive Egger but about 7 that will make EE’s. I also have three salmon faverolle’s and am planning to get two more. Along with my BBS ameraucanas that I’m getting. Some of these will be spread out with my other two Roos. So 2-3 more chicks/pullets what breed would you guys recommend? I saw a Cochin ameraucana mix which in my opinion was beautiful but I’m definitely looking for more opinions!
I have a Blue Orpington Americana mix and they are Your Black roo in the picture. I have 2 females and 2 males. Of the males 1 has the muff and beard no waddles. The other has waddles but no muff and beard. But their color is a beautiful iridescent Black, with Blue, Blue Green, and Purple in the feathers. Much larger birds than my Americana Cochin mix with feathered feet and Pheasant look. Out of 5 only 1 has the muff and beard. But still beautiful birds.

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