Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

And what is it with people who sell EE's under false claims that steal other's EE images? Every time I see an ad for Easter Eggers "also known as Ameraucanas" - They're usually using a collection of photos I KNOW aren't theirs.

But, to the point, I'm glad to hear of that.
How is it that everyone else has broody Ameraucanas? Not ONE SINGLE Am hen has ever gone broody for me. (This is the part where I knock on wood and give a nod of thanks!)
Hi! None of my young Am' hens have gone broody. Once my girls hit 3 or so years-old, look out. They are nasty, fly-in-your-face, rip-holes-in-flesh broodies. And not a darn one has successfully hatched any eggs.
Such fun!


You need some Lavs. They go broody before a year of age and are pretty mellow about it. It figures that lav hen that I have that lays the blue-est egg spends most of her life broody. Bad influence from my Cochins.
They're Easter Eggers.

The top boy is a golden duckwing with blue.

The bottom girl is a duckwing / black breasted red with possible columbian.

Technically no recognized color, just, a mix of colors.

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