Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So I can pay through paypal and then email the form. If I joined now it would only go until January right. Then have to pay again in 2014

I think if you joined now, your membership would run all the way through 2014. I'm not sure if there is an email address associated with the membership form, but you can call.
Got my first Ameraucana egg at last - not very blue - more like a sea foam/slate. It is from a Lavender/black split I inherited. I had to adjust the pic in photoshop to see any color and it still isn't right.

From what I've heard/seen, the wheatens / blue wheatens lay the deeper blue eggs. The BBS eggs I've seen have looked more like yours, a pale blue. I'm anticipating that color from my own birds. They're 19 weeks now, I hope they don't wait till Spring to lay, I don't have that kind of patience, haha.

I am (not so) patiently waiting for my first blue eggs from my splash ameraucana. She will be 7 months old this weekend, (I hatched them, they were my first ever!). I know her molt has slowed things down, but she sure is slow to mature. My roo from the same hatch is big and beautiful, but she is just taking her sweet time. Her face is barely red. Any suggestions as to how much longer??

Here they are (with a NH red). This was taken a few weeks ago, during their molt. She is not much redder now. Not sure why they are standing like that, but they are both much more upright. They might no have liked the fact I had them cornered!

Thank you.

Hi everyone, I have a question for y'all. I have two 28week old hens, one lavender and one wheaten. They are not laying yet. The wheaten started squatting 2 weeks ago, and has put on weight but the lav. is still very light and does not squat. When are these gals going to lay?! This is the latest I have ever waited for a bird to lay, and it's getting a bit ridiculous! Daytime temps are 70 and nights are in the 50's right now. My 2yr old hens are moulting. They're all on fermented grower with oyster shell on the side.
I have to say my Ameraucanas start laying later then a lot of other breeds (26-30 week average) but they lay considerably longer and I have never had an internal layer, prolapse, or egg bound Ameraucana. I had a 5 yo hen who still laid about every 30 hours. So there is somrthing to be said about maturing slower, and waiting for those beautiful eggs to arrive!
My sister got me this guy for my birthday, supposedly he's an ameraucana? His names franchesko.

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