Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Hello Folks

I have an older hen two years plus . She has not laid this entire summer although she appears very healthy except for a molt. Is she getting too old to lay? or is it that she is in molt and has not come out of this yet? Is there any way to tell?

This is my girl, Yvonne! Shes so sweet
Hello Folks

I have an older hen two years plus . She has not laid this entire summer although she appears very healthy except for a molt. Is she getting too old to lay? or is it that she is in molt and has not come out of this yet? Is there any way to tell?
Is she losing feathers? than she would be molting. Now she might not lay as much as she used to but she should still be laying.
Any thing I might add would be based on experience in other species not necessarily chickens. At one time I had parakeets ,the English variety and through breeding I ran across some interesting Feather deviations which were similar to this. It seems that you have run across a gene that is abnormal and may reproduce. This is something not necessarily bad. Try paring it up with a sibling and see if the genetics hold true for this fluffy coat or if it decreases. Keep immaculate breeding records so that the conclusions you come to are based on scientifically trusted data.
I have similar coming from a wheaten hen and a blue wheaten rooster. Is this a red or is this a wheaten or some sort of variant color. I hate that I know so little.
Thank you . When she comes out of the molt I would like to submit pictures of her for an evaluation. she has a lovely head and expression to me but I do not know what I am looking at. I like her head but am I seeing too much roundness and favor it because I used to raise Budgies?

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