"Ameraucanas" & brown eggs . . .


Bird of A Different Feather
11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
Boise, Idaho
So, I got my AM/AR/EE education from BYC'er's after I got my girls from a lady whom I thought was a breeder. Turned out she just gets shipments from hatcheries and then resells. My girls came from xtreme game birds in Texas.
Well, it thought, so what; I'm not going to show them or breed them and I will get cool green eggs . . . NOT!
Three of my four bearded "Ameraucanas" lay brown eggs. POO! Only one green egger.
Just a note of experience for those still shopping.
Well, now you know who NOT to buy from

BTW, we call our JRT a jack russel terrorist
She's a sweetie to us, but give her a pillow or shoes to chew, or if she sees another dog, or the presence of someone who's not "hers" rubs her the wrong way...beware
Well, my EE lays brownish eggs too, but they are enormous and beautiful, and she lays about 10 days in a row then skips just a day. She is a champ! And darn cute too. LOVE the fuzzy beard!!
I thought getting brown eggs from the EE's were rare. So many people talk about their colored eggs from their EE's. I have 5 EE's that will be laying in a couple of months. I will let you know how it goes here.

You might want to get a couple of more EE's and add to your flock so you can get more colored eggs.
I got mine from Ideal also. I am suspecting that they are laying brown eggs. I haven't gotten any this week, but for the past 2 weeks I was getting these almost pink-brown eggs that did not match any of my other hens. I only have 3 other hens laying so it is pretty easy to keep up with. They are beautiful eggs and birds, but I was hoping for a green or blue egg. I may still get one yet, I don't think all the EE's are laying yet. They are just now 16 weeks old.
Look at your EEs - if they have green/olive/slate blue LEGS then they carry the gene for green eggs. If they have yellow or orange legs they don't and will lay pink, tan, brown eggs. You can sort chicks this way too and keep the greenies and sell the yellows :) It sometimes doesn't show up immediately but will by 4-6 weeks old.

I won't swear this is 100% but it seems to be.


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