Ameraucana's from Ideal

I have about ten ee hens from ideal and all of them lay blue or green eggs, haven't had one that lays brown or"pink". I'm very happy with them. They lay really well too.
It is what Ideal calls them. Not out for a debate. Just want to know folks out there that bought from Ideal and what the percent of blue or green to brown.

I have 3 from Ideal: One lays an olive green, the other 2 lay blue green. Hope that helps! I should probably also add this: I am also very happy with my girls! It was one of my "ameraucanas" that was the first to lay-the olive green egg layer. I might also add that this particular girl does not have a beard or muffs, so no where near the breeding standard, but IMHO, if you don't plan to use the eggs for hatching and selling purebred chicks, or using your chickens for show, and you are simply looking to add a little color to your egg carton like I was, then what does it matter? Mutts need love too!
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In 2009, I bought two "ameraucanas" from a feed store in Jackson, Tennessee. They buy their chicks from Ideal.

One of those "ameraucanas" has not, to this day, ever laid an egg of any color.

The other turned out to be a rooster with a cross beak deformity.

He must carry the green egg gene, because when he mated a buff orpington hen, the resulting little pullet lays a green egg.
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