American Gamefowl

We brought home 5 of them. All hens. She said they used to have 10, but many were killed by the neighbor's dogs. She had a rooster too but I told her we couldn't take him. He wasn't there when we picked up the hens so I don't know what they did with him.

Yeah, actually I think they would be happier in the barn rafters than in the coop with the others. I'm leaving them in the stall/barn and letting them explore as they feel comfortable. I left a bucket of water in there for them so it would be easy to find. Of course, the horses' water trough is also right outside the barn.

As I mentioned before, we get stray cats, rats, and foxes around the barn almost every night. I think they are probably safer the in rafters than in the stall but we'll see where they ultimately choose to stay. I'll just sit back and observe, see what they do.... They seem pretty flighty & skittish right now but I imagine that is to be expected with the new surroundings.

On a side note, the previous owner was feeding them whole kernel corn. I would imagine that's why they weren't laying? She said she feeds them layer pellets in the summer. Corn in the winter. I can't imagine that's got sufficient protein for egg laying but I kept my mouth shut.
What you offered (layer, etc.) should be fine. They aren't going to be as "productive" as laying hens, but the layer feed will provide balanced nutrition.
We all probably feed a bit differently. I use an all flock feed for everyone including my layers. A bit of scratch, fruit or veggies once a day. Oyster shell and grit are supplied free choice. Egg shells I give back as well - even the roosters like those:)
They will be flighty/skittish, just talk to them and let them know your coming around. It will take a bit of time for them to settle. I think once you all get to know one another, you will really like them.

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