American Idol

ok im kinda tired of glambert now
all he does is sing onneee way all the time.. lots of verbrotto.. and lots of YEAaahAaaAaaaaAAAAaaHHaahHs.. so he is startng to fade for me.. im sad alison is gone.
Hate to say this, but vibrato is a natural occurence in the voice and they all pretty much use a lot of it...I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think he's been one of the more versatile singers on the show, while remaining true to a particular style.

When you are producing an artist for their first record, it's very important that they project an identifiable "style" so that they are easily recognized. As they develop in popularity and exposure, then they can reach out a bit more.

I love Allison, but that Janis Joplin sound is VERY confining. To me, she is more of a one trick pony. But, the thing she does, she does very well.

Kris...doesn't have any real identity at all yet. He struggles just to hit the notes much of the time. He could use some good training and I think he could come out and do well. But, he needs more vocal strength. Unfortunately, Debra Byrd (the main vocal coach) doesn't have the time to really help them with some strong basics.
I think Adam is just awsome. I'm not into all that screaming rock but he is great at it. He reminds me of that guy with the really big mouth and very skinny body. Mic Jagar or nic Jagar or osmething like that maybe. But he is going to be rich. That 17year old girl is also awsome but she got the boot. I figured her and Adam would be battling it out for the win. She is will go far also. After they got rid of Lil the competiton realy started because they where left with a bunch of really awsome singers and it surprised me taht Anoop left so early. He is awsome too. They will all make records and be rich anyway. I watch it every week. I quit voting when they got rid of Chris Daughtry and that idiot won.
OMG...I am OLD...Do you mean Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones? Or do you mean Steven Tyler of Aerosmith? LOL.

I think I am one of the few people who did NOT like Chris Daughtry. I thought he was horrible tonight. Boring song and talk about vibrato....he sounds like a zillion other people. I'm so sorry to disagree. Maybe spending a decade reviewing submission tapes to determine who to consider for production has given me a very different outlook on potential artists. If not that, I KNOW doing studio vocal coaching makes me listen to different things and I am VERY sensitive to that karaoke vs. originality thing that Simon always talks about.

Heck, the music business is the ONLY reason I am here in Long Island and not in some wonderfully warm climate on a nice big farm! LOL.
I have to say Im crushin on adam! I Love the big Broadway Glam that he carries! lol.. hes so awesome!

Im sad Allison is gone
I was hopin at least the final two would be adam and allison! *sigh* Allison was my girl from the begining, we were gonna get married and adopt himalayan whistle kids! lol

As crazy as this sounded "unrehearsed" which is crazy since he already laid down the tracks. OR, that huge guitar was weighing him down so much that it affected his pipes. LOL.

That guitar WAS huge!! I even said that! lol..

I dunno, I just expected.. the guy had SOO many hits before on his last album, this time.. his debut I would have thought woulda been his best song.. - IF thats his best song.. this album sucks.. lol
The problem with the Idol platform seems to be a huge lack of good instinct about the type of material to put on these artists' albums after they finish with Idol. The country artists seem to do well, but they usually take these winners and too deeply pigeon hole them on their first record, which alienates so much of the public who was used to hearing them do more widely accepted music.

It seems like a few of the artists get one good album and then it's like they don't put the effort into the subsequent records and the songwriting can be horrible. These artists need to get some ringers in there to co-write their first two to three records and then let them start to try more of their own stuff.

I mean, every major rock group had songs co-written by Diane Warren and Desmond was a very successful formula.

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