American serama thread!

Haven't posted on here for a while so thought I would put a few pics of some of my 2012 homebreds. This boy is 7 months in this pic. Thanks for looking.

Wow! What color would he be considered?? I'll take him and kayla,
Just got done candling my Serama that I set last week. 2 blood rings, 2 clears, a I dropped one that was developing. :( So 12/17 so far. As long as the lethal gene doesn't kick in on day 19, I have some Silike Serama, smooth, and possible frizzle Serama on the way!
Update on Peepit and her 11 gorgeous little cheeps....they're doing GREAT! Grinding feed for them--about half chick starter, a quarter each of two small seeded finch blends, and a hefty handful of fresh fat mealworms, then grind, and add more chick starter for bigger bits to eat. Some of the seeds remain whole (it doesn't grind ultra fine) and the mealworms make for great little clumps of feed to peck.

One of my huge problems with the banty chicks is drowning--I think I have finally found an answer... The cage bird (like parakeets, finches, canaries) waterer tube devices were tried with this batch, and they are thus far working awesome! Momma and chicks are both drinking well, and although it can get some litter in its little trough, nobody has drowned or even done much sneezing! I added a second tube today as they are emptying the one in less than half a day.

Kinda like these: , only I got mine at WalMart for quite a bit less. (it's also smaller).

I hope that this might help somebody else save Serama far, so good here!

Those of you posting pics....bunch of nice looking birds out there...!!
I went to a store here that carries chicks..I caved when I saw this little one. So hoping it's a girl. I am pretty sure it's a Serama. What do you think? I see there are different types of Seramas, so not quite sure what type she is. I have her in with some chicks I hatched about a week ago if that. She is tiny! The store had a bin of bantams. Silkies I knew, bantam cochins I knew, and thought, oh, there are some little Seramas. This little thing was pretty busy in there.

Update on Peepit and her 11 gorgeous little cheeps....they're doing GREAT! Grinding feed for them--about half chick starter, a quarter each of two small seeded finch blends, and a hefty handful of fresh fat mealworms, then grind, and add more chick starter for bigger bits to eat. Some of the seeds remain whole (it doesn't grind ultra fine) and the mealworms make for great little clumps of feed to peck.

One of my huge problems with the banty chicks is drowning--I think I have finally found an answer... The cage bird (like parakeets, finches, canaries) waterer tube devices were tried with this batch, and they are thus far working awesome! Momma and chicks are both drinking well, and although it can get some litter in its little trough, nobody has drowned or even done much sneezing! I added a second tube today as they are emptying the one in less than half a day.

Kinda like these: , only I got mine at WalMart for quite a bit less. (it's also smaller).

I hope that this might help somebody else save Serama far, so good here!

Those of you posting pics....bunch of nice looking birds out there...!!
That's way cool! I just discovered those at the pet store the other day and thought "genius"!
I switched all my chicks over to rabbit water bottles, but I'm not sure the tiny serama babies will be strong enough to ove the big ball like all the others. My full size guys will be 3 weeks on sunday, and my serama will be 7 weeks and the full size kiddos are totally bigger! It's a hoot.
I went to a store here that carries chicks..I caved when I saw this little one. So hoping it's a girl. I am pretty sure it's a Serama. What do you think? I see there are different types of Seramas, so not quite sure what type she is. I have her in with some chicks I hatched about a week ago if that. She is tiny! The store had a bin of bantams. Silkies I knew, bantam cochins I knew, and thought, oh, there are some little Seramas. This little thing was pretty busy in there.

Oh my GOSH that is so stinkin cute! I love her eensy weensy size compared to the, how freakin adorable.
Update on Peepit and her 11 gorgeous little cheeps....they're doing GREAT! Grinding feed for them--about half chick starter, a quarter each of two small seeded finch blends, and a hefty handful of fresh fat mealworms, then grind, and add more chick starter for bigger bits to eat. Some of the seeds remain whole (it doesn't grind ultra fine) and the mealworms make for great little clumps of feed to peck.

One of my huge problems with the banty chicks is drowning--I think I have finally found an answer... The cage bird (like parakeets, finches, canaries) waterer tube devices were tried with this batch, and they are thus far working awesome! Momma and chicks are both drinking well, and although it can get some litter in its little trough, nobody has drowned or even done much sneezing! I added a second tube today as they are emptying the one in less than half a day.

Kinda like these: , only I got mine at WalMart for quite a bit less. (it's also smaller).

I hope that this might help somebody else save Serama far, so good here!

Those of you posting pics....bunch of nice looking birds out there...!!

I use quail waterers and haven't drowned a chick yet.
Just put 18 serama eggs in the bator last night from Castle Seramas. Fingers crossed these suckers didn't freeze and I'll get more than two this time around!
Two is starting to look like my shipped egg number... dumb PO, everything arrives so scrambled to heck!
Thank you kuku..finding out it Probably isn't a serama. But, a Japanese. That's ok, I like those too..and she will be great company for my Bantam Favorelle.

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